One dead One sick

One of my turkey hens had the same symptoms. I tried several things but what ended up getting her better was was worming with Wazine. Also I gave her Poultry Nutri- Drench (purchased at TSC) the day before worming and the day after. She was back to eating the next day and alot more active. Thought for sure she was not going to make it. Now she is back to normal. Don't know if this is whats wrong with yours but could be worth a try. Hope he gets better!
Ok..I had to put the big tom down..he couldnt even get up. of the young birds has a huge swollen was fine this morning!! Another young bird is sneezing a little. Neither of the ones that died appeared to have any respiratory problems.
I put some antibiotics in their water a few minutes ago.
Does anybody have a clue what could be going on??? They are eating regular turkey/game bird feed and scratch and BOSS and some bread for a treat
Does that turkey have a crooked neck?????????????????????????? If so, then I can help you.

A crooked neck seems to be a symptom of alot of different diseases. They even list it at the bottom of this symtom chart.

know when I was quarentened for Exotic Newcastle disease in 2002-2003 they where looking for signs just like this. I noticed alot of birds where sick at a sale recently. Lucky that the CDC was checking every bird.
looks and sounds like MG to me, seen it a lot with folks birds. Would take testing to confirm, your local NPIP agent can do it for you. Basically a respritory infection. Eye swelling , head shaking, sneezing, snotty discharge all signs of it.
Time and anitbiotics for CRD (Chronic Respritory Disease) are the best route if this is what it is. They shouldnt die from it like that though. Runny faomy yellow poop mentioned is often signs of worms or internal parasites too.
Try worming them good first, wazine is a poor wormer only gets 1 kind. Use Safegard 3 cc per gallon or ivermectin (as injectable or por on though, it's not water soulable, 1/2 -1 1/2 cc per bird, depends on size)

Brown, tarry, super smell poop is a sign of coccidia, very common in all young birds. Older ones tend to fight it off better. Even on medicated feed, birds can still get it as the dose in feed is not always accurate. Use any sulfur based meds for it in their water. Corid is a very common product for it.

Then again, could be one of any of a lot of other things, but these are the 3 most common problems from the symptoms given and pic shown. All put together, yes, they would feel awful, stop eating, and eventually die
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That's right, but get it on the skin under the feathers. It acts just like flea treatments for dogs and cats. With the injectable kind, you can inject it or give orally, just not in the water

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