one EE not laying yet, but her sisters have been laying for a month already?


5 Years
Jan 2, 2015
They were due to start laying around thanksgiving, and 2 out of the 3 EE pullets did start right before thanksgiving. They were 5.5-6 months old at thanksgiving so those 2 were laying right on schedule. The other 2 are laying pretty consistently and no issues whatsoever. We are fairly certain that our remaining EE pullet isnt laying elsewhere, since we have looked and looked everywhere.. any possible explaination for this? shes been in prefect health and fairly high up in the social heirarchy so i dont think it would be stress. maybe the daylight hours are affecting her? anyways, we are just trying to find out why she isnt laying yet, so any theories/reasons you guys might have would be great. thanks!
They were due to start laying around thanksgiving, and 2 out of the 3 EE pullets did start right before thanksgiving. They were 5.5-6 months old at thanksgiving so those 2 were laying right on schedule. The other 2 are laying pretty consistently and no issues whatsoever. We are fairly certain that our remaining EE pullet isnt laying elsewhere, since we have looked and looked everywhere.. any possible explaination for this? shes been in prefect health and fairly high up in the social heirarchy so i dont think it would be stress. maybe the daylight hours are affecting her? anyways, we are just trying to find out why she isnt laying yet, so any theories/reasons you guys might have would be great. thanks!

might be her timing will be after the cold weather. Or shes a he.

I raised up my Guinea fowl close to winter they have a very short laying season but usually start laying about the same as chickens do., four to five months. at five months it started getting cold here. So we got to wait for all of them to start laying around February.

Good luck.

might be her timing will be after the cold weather. Or shes a he.

I raised up my Guinea fowl close to winter they have a very short laying season but usually start laying about the same as chickens do., four to five months. at five months it started getting cold here. So we got to wait for all of them to start laying around February.

Good luck.

oh okay, I was wondering if that happens to chickens, but i guess it can.
Pretty sure she is a she, no hackles or crazy long tail feathers.
EE being a mix, your one bird may be different genetically than the other two and thus will start laying later.

Is her comb plump and bright like her flock mates?

This can be a fairly accurate test to see if a bird is laying or not.
2 bony points(pelvic bones) on either side of vent:
Less than 2 fingertip widths apart usually means not laying.
More than 2 fingertip widths apart usually means laying.

If she has a bright comb and wide points, I'd coop them all up for a week to habituate her to laying in the coop nests.

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