One Egg Hatched - Eleven more just sitting there! Help!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 22, 2013
East Texas
This is my first time incubating eggs. I put 12 eggs in and day 21 was Saturday, May 3rd. We had a chick hatch a little over 24 hours ago and nothing else has happened. Do I continue to wait, or are the other 11 eggs just not going to hatch?
Hi Lorus6!
. I might wait one more day but I doubt that anymore will hatch. Did you candle them? If you did and all of them were fertile it is probable that there was a problem with the humidity or temperature. Right now you should focus you attention on the chick that you do have. What breed are they?
I did not candle them, so I am not sure they are fertile. I believe they are Aracauna or Ameraucanas.
I had a temperature problem around day 10, where the temp in the incubator dropped overnight to 85 degrees. I am guessing it was at that temperature for 6-8 hours, but I'm not sure. After that I wasn't sure any would hatch, but this little guy is strong and seems healthy.

Is the one chick going to be ok by himself??
I certainly hope not! Wishing you the best with the remaining.. and I have read on here chicks hatching late. I hope you get at least one more for the little one to have company, if not could you run out to your feed store and get another chick or two to keep him company. They really do need some friends. Being a flock animal the need to learn around others. Here in NY though, you must buy at a minimum of 6 chicks if you are buying them under the age of 2 months. Not sure what the laws are by you.

Keep us posted. Wish I had some words of wisdom for you!
I haven't used an incubator yet, but under my broodies I always give the eggs a few days after the magical day 21 to hatch. I do a sniff test, if they stink they get tossed, but otherwise I let them go up to 25 days. This is especially if the hen was off the nest more than usual....akin to your drop in temp. I'm guessing in an incubator a drop in temp could set development back a day or two. Doesn't hurt a thing to let them go a few more days as long as they don't smell bad.
Well, no more eggs have hatched. Today we are going to the local feed store and getting our little hatchling a few friends! The feed store has their last batch of chicks for the season and they are 3 days older than our little 'Camo' (as he/she has been named by the kids

Don't be scared if there is a little pecking around to get to know each other. This is the normal order of things, and the way chickens, even very small ones get to know each other and establish the pecking order, even at this young age. It is a vital part of flock atmosphere and it's easy for human emotions to get in the way of healthy observation, especially when children are watching. Of course anything too serious, ie: blood drawing, then intervene, but normal getting to know each other can be rough to watch!

I would also put the new ones next to the other chick so they can hear each other, but wait until night time to slip them together. That way they will be asleep, and be next to each other but not fully aware yet. When morning comes, hopefully it won't be as big of a shock.

Good Luck and keep us posted!
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I did not candle them, so I am not sure they are fertile. I believe they are Aracauna or Ameraucanas.
I had a temperature problem around day 10, where the temp in the incubator dropped overnight to 85 degrees. I am guessing it was at that temperature for 6-8 hours, but I'm not sure. After that I wasn't sure any would hatch, but this little guy is strong and seems healthy.

Is the one chick going to be ok by himself??
Well, no more eggs have hatched. Today we are going to the local feed store and getting our little hatchling a few friends! The feed store has their last batch of chicks for the season and they are 3 days older than our little 'Camo' (as he/she has been named by the kids

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