One eye shut and one eye open

This is a human eye i found online, the whitish dot on the eye look exactly like what my chickie has
I would keep checking up on her once and a while i would also give her scrambled eggs its good for them and maybe it might encourage her to eat.Keeps me updated hope she get better soon
That looks like dirt or maybe (in your chicken's case) a dead louse or mite. If she's acting sick, well, I don't know a whole lot about disease which sucks. I need to do some reading
If you can't wash it out then maybe she's got some sort of growth in her eye. I'm just guessing, but it very well could be. If it is she would need to have her eye removed if she was going to live. The eye is a straight path to the brain, so if she starts stargazing or she gets wry neck, then she should be put down. I know that both of those diseases are seen almost only in chicks, but hey, it could happen.

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