One Hatched -- how long to wait for the others?


7 Years
Aug 7, 2012
Eastern Washington State
One of my geese hatched one of her eggs -- nice little Pom baby -- and she is still sitting on several other eggs while the gander is minding the new gosling. How long is it ok to wait before pulling out the eggs and candling them? --- and if they are ok-- will she take them back? Thanks for any advice --
One of my geese hatched one of her eggs -- nice little Pom baby -- and she is still sitting on several other eggs while the gander is minding the new gosling. How long is it ok to wait before pulling out the eggs and candling them? --- and if they are ok-- will she take them back? Thanks for any advice --
Why not take out half the eggs to candle them and see what´s going on? Any that are alive, put them back under her, and take out the other half to have a look. It´s possible there are still some alive. Have a listen, too. If they´re cheeping, then they´ve pipped internally, and they´re on their way...
Thanks for your reply - I took them out and candled them - Four looked like they stopped sometime along the way, one was clear, and one had a nicely dipped air cell and some movement. I put it back under her so we'll see what happens now.

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