One hen doesn’t return to coop at night— any ideas?

Hmmm where to start... I kinda did things crazy backwards. Got chickens and ducks then had duck house built and got a coop.. well the hens and roosters sleep high in 2 trees. I am now trying to get them to go in the coop at night to stay safe. For 3 nights we wrangled them in... it got a little easier each night... by the 3rd night some of the hens were loving their new home. Then we went out of town and had a friend check on them feed/water them, now we're back to square one. Friend just let them stay in the pen and didn't make them go into the coop at night soo tonight when they come home from free ranging I'm gonna try to wrangle them into the coop. Any ideas how long this may take to try to retrain them?? Ohhh and I have 2 roosters have not ever got the white one to go in the coop.. the other roo aka the boss won't let him in so he is a loner

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