One hen getting picked on


8 Years
Feb 28, 2016
My Coop
My Coop

I have 6 girls that share a coop, run, and free range play yard. It seems as though one hen in particular is getting picked on. No one else is missing feathers from their lower back and tail. I cleaned the coop out this morning to find a lot of her feathers in it. We got the girls all together in April and they have been together ever since. We recently just had a down pour of rain, in which they retreat to their covered run and coop. What can I do for this poor girl? I can see the ends of her tail feathers missing in a big patch. I attempted to get a picture, but this is the best I can do.

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Is there anything wrong with her? Could she be sick? Mine do that to a hen of mine that was injured, unfortunately once they started they never stopped and I have to keep them separated. But I've heard it is common thing they do when something is wrong with one of them
Is there anything wrong with her? Could she be sick? Mine do that to a hen of mine that was injured, unfortunately once they started they never stopped and I have to keep them separated. But I've heard it is common thing they do when something is wrong with one of them

She doesn't seem to be sick or injured. She hasn't laid any eggs for a while now too. She is the sweetest, most tame girl we have.
She doesn't seem to be sick or injured. She hasn't laid any eggs for a while now too. She is the sweetest, most tame girl we have.
keep her separated for a little while so you can keep an eye on her. I have production reds looks like you might too, they can be mean birds to each other, like I said I tried re adding my Sally to the group several times and they always attack attack attack! I have to keep them seperate. That may not be an option for you. How many chicken do you have? How big is Thier coop? Run? Is the other hens broody? I guess it could be anything from not enough space to a broody hen or illness, I hope you figure it out soon!
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I re read your post. And now I'm wondering if you might have a predator. I had a possum get in and almost kill Sally and it ripped my roosters tail feathers off. You said she's not laying eggs, they could be taken by something, check your coop and pen for signs that a predator has been sneaking in too
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She doesn't seem to be sick or injured. She hasn't laid any eggs for a while now too. She is the sweetest, most tame girl we have.

This sounds like my Gold Laced Wyandotte Kuroko. She's the bottom on the pecking order totem pole and I often find a lot of her feathers lying around but I never see any of the other 5 hens we have picking on her (their run and coop are secure and I'm always home so it's not a predator). We got them all at the same time. She's very quiet and shy. She also hasn't been laying many eggs recently even though she's only ~14 months old. When she does lay they are either deformed eggs or soft-shell/shell-less.
As long as there are no gaping bloody wounds, do not separate her, it will only make things worse in the long run.
There will always be a low bird that gets picked on more than the others.
How old are birds?
What and how exactly are you feeding?
Have 4 five month olds (sl wyandotte, ri red, isa red and barred rock) started laying, they have beautiful shiny feathers and are very healthy. I just bought a silver penciled rock and a lakenvelder. Theu are about 2 yrs old. They are a mess. Dull feathers, some molting possibly. My original 4 beat the crap out of the laken. I even gave her her own food, roost and box. She tries to roost witn others but they wont let her.

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