This is my first year raising bantam cochins. I've raised their "cousins", LF brahmas, for quite a few years now and thought I had it all figured out. One of my cochins, a save from a feedstore, turned out to be a frizzle who did fine in her small, mostly docile flock until one morning I found her bloodied from being pecked half to death. I knew that at least one of the sebrights was to blame (note: I no longer like sebrights, spastic little things). Philip the frizzle, a little pullet, became a house chicken a few weeks ago. The night before last Philip got put out and she now shares a coop with another small bird that is equal in temperament to her - my old serama, Widget. Philip is very unhappy with her new living arrangements and can't seem to figure out why she's not allowed in the house anymore. It breaks my heart to have to force her to stay in a coop, but my husband was happy to not have a house chicken anymore.
Last night we experienced our first real cold snap of the season. One of my baby cochins did fine in the coop brooder with LF bredas. In fact, even though he's tiny he IS the boss of the baby flock. His sister cochin didn't do so well. I just got the house brooder cleaned and put away and had to get it back out again. I brought the little female in and brought her brother in for company.
Happy husband or happy cochins....that is the question.
Last night we experienced our first real cold snap of the season. One of my baby cochins did fine in the coop brooder with LF bredas. In fact, even though he's tiny he IS the boss of the baby flock. His sister cochin didn't do so well. I just got the house brooder cleaned and put away and had to get it back out again. I brought the little female in and brought her brother in for company.
Happy husband or happy cochins....that is the question.