One Legged Bantam Advice?


Mar 9, 2020
Recently took in a mystery bantam chick with a deformed leg. A few toes are fused together and I suspect the same for their hock/ankle. They get around on one leg just fine currently and stuff their crop full exactly like any other chick. Just turned 1 week old. I plan on watching them closely to make sure they can have a decent quality of life.

Anyone have any experience with one legged chickens? Any issues I should look out for? Any supplements that might be needed? Any general advice? Accommodations?

I already plan on using a wider roost when they're ready to upgrade to a full sized enclosure.
Recently took in a mystery bantam chick with a deformed leg. A few toes are fused together and I suspect the same for their hock/ankle. They get around on one leg just fine currently and stuff their crop full exactly like any other chick. Just turned 1 week old. I plan on watching them closely to make sure they can have a decent quality of life.

Anyone have any experience with one legged chickens? Any issues I should look out for? Any supplements that might be needed? Any general advice? Accommodations?

I already plan on using a wider roost when they're ready to upgrade to a full sized enclosure.
Ok, I have a one legged diamond turtle dove so here are my suggestions.

I'd suggest you look out for any eritated skin on the nub and maybe you show met something to protect it when the chick gets older. Also I have a name suggestion, Uno fits it perfectly imo. For roosts I'd suggest you try to make a platform (not like a nest box) and a ramp so it can sleep easier. It could get extremely hurt if it falls off a perch and lands wrong! Can I see a picture of the chick?
Ok, I have a one legged diamond turtle dove so here are my suggestions.

I'd suggest you look out for any eritated skin on the nub and maybe you show met something to protect it when the chick gets older. Also I have a name suggestion, Uno fits it perfectly imo. For roosts I'd suggest you try to make a platform (not like a nest box) and a ramp so it can sleep easier. It could get extremely hurt if it falls off a perch and lands wrong! Can I see a picture of the chick?
Took these the other day, best guess is currently Easter Egger. Not sure if a lighter breed would have an easier time with one leg but they should weigh between 26 oz - 35 oz depending on the sex

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