One little chick just gone - poof!


7 Years
Apr 6, 2016
SW France
I have a whole load of chicks running around, the eldest are 3 months, then 2 months and the babies about a month. Yesterday I was down getting pics of the middle lot and I didn't see all 3 of the Vorwerk chicks together but didnt' think much of it as they all just run around like nutters. It was dusk when I went to lock up last night and Mabel seemed to be fine with her chicks all under her but then this morning when I let them out I did a headcount as they came out and there was only 2 Vorwerks. Damn - I knew it would happen eventually but seems sad for it to be a little chick, although with being little there are more things that can get them I suppose. We have very few predators here so it is a calculated risk to free range but there is always a passing dog / cat / hawk I guess. I'll see if I can see any sign of it.
I have a whole load of chicks running around, the eldest are 3 months, then 2 months and the babies about a month. Yesterday I was down getting pics of the middle lot and I didn't see all 3 of the Vorwerk chicks together but didnt' think much of it as they all just run around like nutters. It was dusk when I went to lock up last night and Mabel seemed to be fine with her chicks all under her but then this morning when I let them out I did a headcount as they came out and there was only 2 Vorwerks. Damn - I knew it would happen eventually but seems sad for it to be a little chick, although with being little there are more things that can get them I suppose. We have very few predators here so it is a calculated risk to free range but there is always a passing dog / cat / hawk I guess. I'll see if I can see any sign of it.
Condolences. I can certainly sympathize... when I did a headcount of my eight and only found seven, I was frantic. Of course, the missing chick was my favorite of the eight. Found the little mutt... squashed between the wall of the run and the 300 lb flight cage I use for chicks and isolation. I still don't know how she fit herself back there, though a gap about half an inch wide. I thought she was dead, but it's the fastest I've moved that cage before. And she's recovering. Unfortunately, with being gone overnight, I just hope you can find some answers.

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