One little duck


6 Years
Aug 22, 2013
My nephew has a duck his son got from a friend and is unable to keep it where he lives. It has had its wings clipped and he doesn't know if its male or female. He asked me if I wanted it since I have chickens. What is different about raising ducks from chickens? We've had chickens for 2 years now and have a predator proof coop and run. Do we need the same for a duck? Or can it stay with the chickens?
Welcome to BYC. There is a lot of information here about Ducks. In short...yes the duck could live with the chickens, but you would need to provide different feed and water. Ducks should not have any medicated feed. Ducks need other Ducks. Ducks need a water container deep enough to dunk their heads into. Ducks don't roost like chickens. He would need a place to sleep where he wouldn't get pooped on.
What about in winter? My coop is not completely air-tight but my chickens do pretty well. I live in Northeast Ohio so winter can be pretty rough sometimes. Do ducks need anything special ? Do they like snow? My chickens won't go out if they see snow, so I keep them cooped most of the time
Hi Tori from Michigan. I have ducks and all I do is when it starts to chill, I stack straw bales 2 or 3 high around my pen for a wind block. For the most part, my ducks stay outside all the time. During Weather Advisories, I do lock the ducks indoors. Last year we were cooped up I think it was 3 days. Ducks do pretty well IMO. You've been given good advice above about the water. My only thought is about the feed. I have read that whatever the type of medication *was* in the "medicated feed" of days from ago is what you would want to avoid. And I've also read that unknown-to-me-medication is no longer used, so its a moot point. Personally I feed unmedicated and always have, because I have no problem finding it whatsoever. Ducks do need more Niacin than chickens, but my adults get layer feed with a pic of a chicken on the bag plus plenty of free range without issues. Check here for a chart

One duck living with a flock of chickens I have read several times works perfectly fine. However, you would be unwise to take one chicken and stick it into a flock of ducks. I hope that makes sense.
How old is your duckling and what kind? I have a lone duckling that I rescued from a nest in a local park. A bunch of boys were smashing open eggs that were almost ready to hatch, and playing with the bodies of the dead ducklings. It was awful. I chased them away, called the police, and managed to salvage two intact eggs. One of them didn't make it, but the other did. I know he is lonely. He is a chocolate muscovy and very sweet, but also very needy. He panics and cheeps whenever I am gone, so I spend most of my time with him. If anyone knows of a lone duckling that needs a home, I would take it. I'm pretty sure Felix is a drake--he's got really big feet and he is very happy and healthy. I won't part with him, but I would like to find a friend, possibly a female, around his age to make him happier if I could. Most hatcheries have a six-duckling minimum! I live on about an acre, but I couldn't have that many ducks where I live. I'm already planning to build a house, pond, and run. Does anyone know anyone who can send a friend for Felix?
How old is your duckling and what kind? I have a lone duckling that I rescued from a nest in a local park. A bunch of boys were smashing open eggs that were almost ready to hatch, and playing with the bodies of the dead ducklings. It was awful. I chased them away, called the police, and managed to salvage two intact eggs. One of them didn't make it, but the other did. I know he is lonely. He is a chocolate muscovy and very sweet, but also very needy. He panics and cheeps whenever I am gone, so I spend most of my time with him. If anyone knows of a lone duckling that needs a home, I would take it. I'm pretty sure Felix is a drake--he's got really big feet and he is very happy and healthy. I won't part with him, but I would like to find a friend, possibly a female, around his age to make him happier if I could. Most hatcheries have a six-duckling minimum! I live on about an acre, but I couldn't have that many ducks where I live. I'm already planning to build a house, pond, and run. Does anyone know anyone who can send a friend for Felix?
That's a terrible story.
What part of the country are you in?

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