One Lone Chicken

Hello Linda,

It is a pleasure to meet you. You sound very creative! Looking forward to learning more about you. Welcome to the forum, ask any questions needed- we'd be pleased to help!

Hope you have a lot of fun on your journey!

Best Wishes,
-The Angry Hen

P.S. You may call me Kaitlyn. Welcome to the roost!
Kaitlyn, thank you for welcoming me to the forum, and thank you for offering to answer questions I have and need answered. You may ask me questions also. I grew up on a farm with a dad that was vigilant and grew fantastic gardens and raised chickens, cows and ducks and geese. Mom and all us kids made butter and cottage cheese learned to bake bread. My cousin and I wanted to help make bread when we were very young we remember sitting on the table with huge spoons stirring up a huge batch of bread until it got to hard for us and mom quickly took over and we ran off to play. I loved the farm and the freedom to run and play outside. I had a calf I got when it was day old I took care of it fed it and told it all my sorrows when I was having hard day at school and my secrets and dreams and ideas and it was nice because I knew it never told anyone. my calf always listened, I thought so as a little girl anyway. It was rewarding to raise a calf.
Welcome Linda. Glad you are enjoying your chicken.
my welcome.gif
Kaitlyn, thank you for welcoming me to the forum, and thank you for offering to answer questions I have and need answered. You may ask me questions also. I grew up on a farm with a dad that was vigilant and grew fantastic gardens and raised chickens, cows and ducks and geese. Mom and all us kids made butter and cottage cheese learned to bake bread. My cousin and I wanted to help make bread when we were very young we remember sitting on the table with huge spoons stirring up a huge batch of bread until it got to hard for us and mom quickly took over and we ran off to play. I loved the farm and the freedom to run and play outside. I had a calf I got when it was day old I took care of it fed it and told it all my sorrows when I was having hard day at school and my secrets and dreams and ideas and it was nice because I knew it never told anyone. my calf always listened, I thought so as a little girl anyway. It was rewarding to raise a calf.

Good evening, Linda! No problem at all. Thank you very much, I appreciate the offer greatly. Oh, that sounds wonderful. Quite the joyful life! I love to bake with my Mom now, (I want to try making butter sometime too!) And I wouldn't change the chicken raising, bread baking, lawn mowing, gardening experience's for the life of me. It is a blessing to have the opportunity to learn and to have respect for the agriculture of a lifestyle. I thoroughly enjoy it.
Did you have a name by any chance for your calf? Such a sweet experience. :)

Best Wishes,
Good evening, Linda! No problem at all. Thank you very much, I appreciate the offer greatly. Oh, that sounds wonderful. Quite the joyful life! I love to bake with my Mom now, (I want to try making butter sometime too!) And I wouldn't change the chicken raising, bread baking, lawn mowing, gardening experience's for the life of me. It is a blessing to have the opportunity to learn and to have respect for the agriculture of a lifestyle. I thoroughly enjoy it.
Did you have a name by any chance for your calf? Such a sweet experience. :)

Best Wishes,
It was a great life living on the farm as a child. My calf did have a name she was a black white face calf her name was "Moon Beam ". If you saw her from the side or back she was midnight black and then when she turned to look at me with her very white face it reminded me of the bright moon in the night sky. she was always happy to see me when I went out to the pasture, she even let me ride on her back when she was a couple of years old, I only tried it once then thought maybe I was too heavy for her. This is good memories.
It was a great life living on the farm as a child. My calf did have a name she was a black white face calf her name was "Moon Beam ". If you saw her from the side or back she was midnight black and then when she turned to look at me with her very white face it reminded me of the bright moon in the night sky. she was always happy to see me when I went out to the pasture, she even let me ride on her back when she was a couple of years old, I only tried it once then thought maybe I was too heavy for her. This is good memories.

What a wonderful name, oh she sounds beautiful! I'd like to get cows for milk one of these days, one of God's many beautiful creatures.
These are wonderful memories for you that truly are special. :)

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