One Lone Hen


9 Years
Sep 15, 2011
I had 2 three and a half year old hens until last night when one was killed. I am left with one lonely hen. I had tried several days ago to introduce a young rooster (about 4 mos old) because I had some weird premonition that I might lose one of my hens. It did NOT go well. He chased one old girl around the pen, flogging her and ripping out a lot of feathers before I could separate them. He did not appear to be trying romance, just aggression. So I took him back to my dad's where he's part of a large flock of RIRs. My girl is a dainty little 2.5 lb American Leghorn. My question is where do I go from here? Should I wait until spring or is that too long for this flock member to be alone? Should I get some pullets? I am lost.....
I have never had a rooster but with what I have read I think only one rooster and one hen is not going to go very well. I believe she will end up getting very over-mated. Hopefully someone else will chime in.

Maybe get a couple of pullets? She is going to have a hard time all alone - they are very social animals.
Get some pullets about the same age as quickly as you can. You could even get a young roo that is used to the new pullets. Chickens are not solitary creatures and do not do well alone, she needs friends! And sorry about your loss, that's tough, especially when you don't have many to start with
Thank you guys for your valuable advice and kindness. I will get right on the quest for more hens. Yes, it was not a good day. She was my friend, too and we both miss her.
Update on my hen- my dad kindly gave me a 4 month old RIR hen from his flock. I promptly named her Cinnamon. I put her in a small hutch and placed it inside Eva's pen. After an hour or so, I released her while I sat in the pen to oversee their reactions to each other. It was pretty amazing. Neither hen ever pecked each other and they began calling to each other if one found a tasty treat to share. Eva was so devastated when Delilah, our other hen, was killed. She came with us while we buried Delilah. Later, I found her lying beside the spot where Delilah had been killed inside the hen house. Eva followed me everywhere and didn't seem to know what to do with herself. So it is with great relief that I am able to post that she has a fast friend in Cinnamon! As an aside, the possum that killed Delilah is no more and our chicken house has been modified so we are confident these two will live out their days happily. Eva is 3 and a half years old so I will be getting more pullets this Spring. In the meantime, Eva is showing Cinnamon around and has companionship for the winter!

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