One mean chick


Mar 6, 2021
One of my chicks is mean to all other ones she will peck at them when they are on the roosting stick I have set up or if they go on top of the feed or water. The the chick doesn’t get down she will push by either flying in them or jumping up to push them off. Is there a way to teach her not to do it?
Hold him/her alot? I'm not sure, I hope more experienced Pple will be along soon!
I've had plenty of mean girls too. There is such a thing as creating chick jail. More room tops the list. Creating sight line blockers so the chicks being bullied can go behind a little cardboard wall or some such- adding a mirror to the brooder - making a bunch more perches -- dangling treats like kale leaves -- Grab a scoop of dirt from the garden (provided it's not been treated with chemicals) and they'll instantly have something else to do (after being terrified first of course) anything to occupy the bully's energy and attention.

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