ONE month to go! Not nervous but....


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
One month to go until I marry my best friend. I'm not nervous. My fiance's DD is having a blast helping me with the planning. She's more excited and nervous than I am.
Problem is, we are getting married in Mena, Arkansas; which was hit last week by a tornado.
I need to get in touch with the justice of the peace to talk to him about a change in venue and then call the hairdresser to let her know what time I need my appt. I can't call her until I talk to the justice of the peace to make sure the new time and venue is okay with him. Also, need to call the florist whose shop may have been damaged.
Though only one section of Mena was badly damaged, I hate to bother these people when they have so much going on in their town.

So maybe I'll wait until next week to call, but I really do need to call this week. Oh, what to do?!
Go ahead and make an effort to reach everyone at this time because the more you wait the more stress it would be trying to get everything in place on the day of the wedding. I hope you will be able to find a place that is not badly damaged like a park.

Good luck! Good things will be happening soon!
Maybe they need to look forward to a wedding and you will lift their spirits. Just tell 'em your sorry to bother them and sorry they got hit by the tornado and they will understand.
Actually we had originally planned on the beautiful historic park in downtown. That's what we need to talk to the justice of the peace about. As far as we know the park did sustan some damage. However, several weeks prior to the tornado we had changed our minds and decided to have the wedding at the lodge on the mountain where we'll be staying anyhow. The lodge was not damaged.
Thanks EweSheep and Teresa. Gonna try to reach the justice of the peace this evening. He's a really sweet man. He also should be able to advise me about the florist, since they are friends of his.
I am sure he can help you with the florist part. He would know for sure!

Glad its going to be a good one! Do let us know what you find out!

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