One mother duck is aggressive towards other mother's ducklings

Welsh duckies

Jun 18, 2022
Does anyone have advice on how to handle one mother duck with 3 ducklings is being mead to other mother's ducklings; aggressively nipping at them if they get close to her ducklings?
So glad someone else asked this! I’ve searched several places and couldn’t find an answer. I have a mama duck picks up the other mamas ducklings and shakes them pretty hard. They all free range so Im not sure how to separate them. Do I just take the babies or just separate the aggressive mom? I’ve never had ducks who had their own babies before! Appreciate any advice!
I keep my mamas and ducklings separated for the first couple weeks then after they have seen each other through fencing I let them all free range together. The problem I had was the ducklings would see another mama and ducklings and take off after them leaving a mama with no kids and me trying to get the right ones back to the right mama.

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