One of my 4 month old poult is badly henpecked!


5 Years
Mar 1, 2018
Dade City, Florida
Hi everyone! One of my 4 months poults has been badly hen pecked by his siblings! Here are the pictures. It happened the night before because I noticed it yesterday morning. He was standing still head down and one of them pecking at his head continuously.

I immediately moved him out of the cage, isolated him and noticed his feeces was not normal! Picture included. So he is either already, assuming because of his feeces, sick and weak and that’s why he was being hen pecked, or because all of the hen pecking and hanging up on him the stress and hurting produced the suspicious feeces. Today, my concern is that his whole neck is discolored, black, and there is a hole on the skin. I touched him and his pretty hot! From the look of his head and neck he needs antibiotics.

I am alreafy asking my vet for a fecal float, without office visit. I appreaciate all of your observations regarding this situation.
The black is just scab. I can see fresh skin under that hole I think. All that black will eventually slough off probably. Your turkeys may need more room. How are you housing them?
A big 20 X 10 chainlink fence with a lot of perches for them. I have 6 young poults and a Tom and hen. They free range during the day.
I feed them morning and evening.
I just found out from vet poult has codicciocis. Need to medicate everyone in the flock. It could have mean he was the weakest and the brother gang up on him? I am keeping him separate from others for now.
That is odd they turned on him like that. Hopefully he feels better soon. I'm glad you have vet willing to help you.
Me too! I am happy not to have to do an appointment visit and just do the fecal float! I took advantage and I had three other fecal floats done to check the rest of the flock and since they are a mixed flock that hang out together during the day the coccidiosis although not rampant, they most provably all have it. So it’s advised I start treating them ASAP. I just wonder how long do I have to wait before we can start using the layers eggs again after giving them the medicine.

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