One of my 8 hens (17) weeks has started having very large poop --

My Australorp always have large poops when she's getting broody. Are any of your hens sitting in the nest boxes being grumpy? Could also indicate an egg is on the way!
My Australorp was an adult when I bought her, probably 9 months old, so I don't know when she started laying. But I wouldn't expect her to start laying regularly before 6 months.

And?Who cares about the size of thier poop?
I have a hen that typically lays one egg per day and has pinky sized poop. In the past week, she has stopped laying eggs, refuses to leave her nest except for a quick bite of food or drink, and has huge poops that are almost as big as a small egg (that appear normal otherwise - not wet or slimy). Any ideas? I had first thought she was becoming broody, but I was still taking her eggs daily. Now that she's not producing, I am not sure if I should be worried about possible disease. Looking for some insight. Thanks!
All my girls gained poop size after laying started. If they free range there is a chance it's started a nest somewhere. Though 17 weeks is youngish it's not at all unheard of to lay at that age.

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