One of my baby chick's wing looks funny compared to others!


7 Years
May 14, 2012
All of my other chicks have wings that look like this. Close to the body when standing still or walking about.

However, one of my chicks have wings that look different! it sort of sticks out away from the body when standing still or walking about. This one chick is also much smaller than the others and seem to be growing more slowly than the others. Should I be concerned?
Here's a picture of the chick:

She eats fine and drinks water, but seems sleepy most of the time (less active than the others). But definitely less adventurous. Maybe the wings stick out because she is thinner than others? I have no idea. Anyone notice anything similar to this before? I am afraid I may lose this one!
I had a chick like that who was a little floppy. I'd gently toss her in the air and she wouldn't flap her wings at all. I gave her some protein to help her grow, and she eventually looked normal. It looked like her wings were heavy for her since she was small. Keep an eye on her and see if there are any other symptoms.
I have noticed that all the other chicks that I purchased with this one is starting to get more feathers on the wings and also some small tail feathers. However, this little one looks the same as the day I bought her 3 days ago... anyone else experience this? She seems fine still...eating/drinking/sleeping well...

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