One of my chicks is missing. =(


8 Years
May 29, 2011
Kansas City, Kansas
So I went out to the coop this afternoon to check food and water for my chicks and while I had 10 this morning, there are now only 9. The padlock was still in place and locked and there were no obvious signs of a recent murder. No feathers or fluff around and no blood. The pine shavings didn't even look messed up. The only odd thing was that the remaining 9 were sitting in the coop and not out in the run scratching around like normal. When I came in though they all flew out and ate and drank like they hadn't all day, though they had plenty of both available. Their run is covered and all, but it is regular chain link fencing. My chicks were hatched August 11th and are silver laced wyandottes and barred rocks. Any ideas what may have gotten her without leaving any evidence? It was my favorite SLW.
Could one have gotten out through the chainlink? I have some babies that hatched before August, all large fowl, and all of them can fit through chainlink even now. She may have escaped and been grabbed by something.
Sorry for your loss. With a chain link fence the chick could have gotten thru it?? Foxes do come out in the day and could have gotten her. The generally carry off their catch and take it to the den.
I hope not
They looked too big to fit through, but maybe if she really wanted to go out she could have. Usually they stay right by the coop and do practice flying and scratching. I don't see them go very far. But maybe with getting older she got adventurous. I searched the surrounding yards and didn't find her, but with the number of foreclosed homes on my street she could be lost in the overgrown yards and i wouldn't know it if she wasn't cheeping really loud.

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