One of my Guinea Boys!


8 Years
Apr 18, 2011
One of the boys was sunning himself this morning - and stayed still long enough for me to take a nice photo of him:)

Wow... how handsome.
I love the dark background, and his little ruff.
Thanks! I spend way too much time taking photos of my various critters, lol! The guineas are total pests and find it hard to stay still long enough to let me get some shots that aren't all fuzzy and out of focus with my little are a few more of my favorites......:) You could almost have a caption contest about the conversation going on between the 2 youngsters, lol!

I took these of one of the girls this afternoon when she was on the barn roof, they are not great, but not bad:) I just wish they would stay still longer for me to get a good photo!!! The first one is funny as she has those 2 feathers on her white chest.......


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