One of my Peking Duck's Beak has a Scab Like Growth - Help Needed

Bob Hobson

Oct 28, 2017
Hello Everyone:

My wife and I bought 3 Peking Ducks in the Spring of last year. One of our Ducks we named Gimpy because he had a rough time walking when he was young. I read lots of information about raising ducks on this great web site and added niacin and vitamins to their water to promote their health.
I constructed a small pond and I change the water and scoop up their mess daily.

Gimpy has developed a scab like growth on his beak. I have applied Terramycin and Neosporin for a month now and it does not improve. Can anyone identify what this is and provide us with a solution to cure this.
Thank you.



Antifungal cream/ointment. (Use a very small amount to begin with. A little goes a long way with ducks.)

Is Gimpy eating and drinking and breathing ok? Mating often? Running around and able to keep up with duckmates?

Let us know how things go. If it goes away with a fungus treatment. If you take Gimpy to the vet, what the vet says.
Oh man you can see in his eyes that he’s not feeling well at all.
He needs to see an avian vet immediately.
I’m not one to rush to the vet every time there is a problem but in this case you really need to do it.
That’s not some simple infection,
Sorry, an antibiotic cream is not going to cut it.
That’s a tumor


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Antifungal cream/ointment. (Use a very small amount to begin with. A little goes a long way with ducks.)

Is Gimpy eating and drinking and breathing ok? Mating often? Running around and able to keep up with duckmates?

Let us know how things go. If it goes away with a fungus treatment. If you take Gimpy to the vet, what the vet says.

Thank you Sara,

Today for the first time I applied an antifungal ointment to the affected area. I took your advice and used it sparingly. I will try this for a few days to see if I notice an improvement. Gimpy is eating, drinking and moving around fine. He gets in the clean pool water every day to wash off with our other 2 ducks and those 2 guys appear to be in perfect health. I have been changing their pool water twice a day now since it is not that large. I will keep posting our progress on this issue. Gimpy with buddies.

duck 2.jpg
Duckies look happy!

I recommend taking pictures of the bill. Then you will be able to compare pictures to see if there is any change.

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