One of six 6-7 week old chicks POSSIBLY ate metal nut?


In the Brooder
Apr 18, 2024
I upgraded the size of my feeder in the brooder this morning to a hanging one but I didn’t hang it, as I had nowhere to, so I don’t know for sure if there even was a bolt (can’t remember if I held it by the hanging bit or not…)

But after coming home from breakfast they had knocked the feeder over and it was in 3 pieces, the bottom, the part where the feed is stored, and the rod with the hanging loop on it. I remember the rod being wobbly inside the base but that’s all.

Is it possible that they could have unscrewed it somehow and eaten … a nut? A wing nut? I’m not even sure what it was … or IF it was…

If so, no avian vets are open and no one feels like they have anything in them that might be a nut at cursory examination. Can they handle
Something like that at this age? … thanks.

(I tried using my daughter’s metal detector to see if there was anything in the bedding but they are inside and it’s going off everywhere. I considered trying it near each chick.. but they were already pretty freaked out by it, lol)
I upgraded the size of my feeder in the brooder this morning to a hanging one but I didn’t hang it, as I had nowhere to, so I don’t know for sure if there even was a bolt (can’t remember if I held it by the hanging bit or not…)

But after coming home from breakfast they had knocked the feeder over and it was in 3 pieces, the bottom, the part where the feed is stored, and the rod with the hanging loop on it. I remember the rod being wobbly inside the base but that’s all.

Is it possible that they could have unscrewed it somehow and eaten … a nut? A wing nut? I’m not even sure what it was … or IF it was…

If so, no avian vets are open and no one feels like they have anything in them that might be a nut at cursory examination. Can they handle
Something like that at this age? … thanks.
Chickens swallow a surprising number of things, but rarely have problems.

If it went down the throat safely, there is a good chance it will go the rest of the way through the system safely as well. If it was stuck in the throat, the chicken would be acting differently and I think you would notice.

I would not worry unless you see a chick that seems to have problems.

(I tried using my daughter’s metal detector to see if there was anything in the bedding but they are inside and it’s going off everywhere. I considered trying it near each chick.. but they were already pretty freaked out by it, lol)
Maybe put the chicks somewhere else (cardboard box can work), and check the bedding to see if the nut is actually still there. Or just change out all the bedding.

I'm not sure if a metal detector or a magnet is better for checking the bedding.

If you really want to try the metal detector on each chick, have one person hold the chick and the other hold the detector. Personally, I wouldn't bother, but I don't think it would do any real harm either.

Chicks do get freaked out easily, but they usually get over it quickly as well. I would try not to chase them around (metal detector in their pen while they panic and run), but I woudn't worry about picking each chick up to put them in a different place or to examine them if you need to.
We have a telescoping magnet bar from Home Depot and it has been extremely helpful with finding dropped metal screws or staples so our girls don't eat them. They aren't very expensive and are worth the price. Ours looks like this one:

Hopefully your chick didn't eat the nut and you can find it! If not, don't panic. One of my chickens jumped and pulled an sterling silver earring out of my ear when she was a chick. She is now 4 years old with no ill effects from her snack.

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