One of the girls doesn't like the new nest box.


May 17, 2021
We've build a new coop for my three girls and all is going well except that one of the them won't use the nesting box. She lays on the floor of the coop. Prior to the new coop, we had one of those store bought doll house type coops and she had no issues using the nesting box in there.

I've left eggs in there, I've also moved her to the nesting box when she goes in lay but no luck convincing her.

Posting a picture, hoping that maybe you guys spot something I haven't.

Any advice would be appreciated. The others are having no issue using it.
They moved in on Sunday.

I'm afraid it's going to become a habit but maybe I'm over thinking it.

Another thought I had.... This coop floor has a much thicker layer of shavings, I wonder if that's appealing to her. Would it be over the top to use cardboard on the base of the coop to discourage nesting and make the nesting boxes more appealing?
They moved in on Sunday.

I'm afraid it's going to become a habit but maybe I'm over thinking it.

Another thought I had.... This coop floor has a much thicker layer of shavings, I wonder if that's appealing to her. Would it be over the top to use cardboard on the base of the coop to discourage nesting and make the nesting boxes more appealing?
I'd not put cardboard down, but maybe thin out the shavings on the floor.
Did you use straw as nest bedding before?
I have an independent-minded hen who makes a nest on the floor when the bedding is thick and fluffy but lays in the box when the layer is thinner. She's more likely to lay in the box if I've got a thick, fluffy layer in there and less likely when the nestbox bedding has been compacted down.

None of the others care. :D
Oh good to know. I'll pile in the hay and hope that lures her in! :D

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