One of the new kittens gravely ill- reached Rainbow Bridge

I'm glad he's no longer suffering. I know how you feel. since last spring I've lost two of my house cats (a mother and daughter) to cancer and another to complications from diabetes. I miss them all...and all the others I've lost over the years.
I'm so sorry, you were wonderful doing everything you could. You showed a special animal that someone cared about it.
So sorry. You really did work hard to help that little one. Will still say a prayer for comfort for you and your family. Thanks for sharing.
So sorry for your loss. You obviously did everything you possible could.

If you got to this site, click on dog chapel this place is amazing. you can read the story behind it all on there. If you send a picture, they will put it up on the wall of the chapel. You can attach it to a note so you can all write something on it and they will put it up on the walls. Last time i visited they told me they would never take the pics down. All the walls are covered with memorials. I even saw a hermit crab. I just thought i would mention it. Its a wonderful place.
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Thank you Lurky, I will go to the site as soon as I finish this. I have to admit is was really odd this morning just feeding 3 cats some moist cat food. I hope this doesn't sound bad, but a small smidget of me way down deep found some peace and relief. I think I knew he was suffering and I just couldn't take it. I even prayed to God that he would just take him. He's with my other two cats and my best friend Lady (my 15 year old lab) so he's not alone. Lady loved cats so I'm sure they're having a ball.

Life carries on over here as much as possible. I have to tell you that after my daughter and I buried Saske, the phone rang. It was a gal that I went to high school with. My 20 year class reunion is next summer. I have not spoke to her in over 20 years because she moved to Pheonix between our sophomore and junior year. To say that God works in mysterious ways is an understatement. She had just lost a cat like 3 months ago.

I hope everyone has a great day. I'm going to carry on and continue to love every one of the critters God has enlisted into my care.
I'm soooo sorry that Saske didn't make it. But your right. He is now outta pain and no longer suffering. That makes it all better. Don't feel guilty about the relieved feeling you get with only the 3 cats. Trust me Saske is much better now even with the great loving care you gave him. Keep your chin up!

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