One of these is not like the others


Mar 27, 2018
The story starts with me walking into TSC to buy some chicks for the first time. I asked what breeds were in the assorted pullet bin, and the girl acted like she didn't know how to pronounce any of them. I asked if some were Silver Laced Wyandotte and she said yes, so I asked for 6 of them. Well, I got home with 3 SLW and 3 black chicks. I figured they are probably sex links, so at least I don't have to worry about one being a cockrel. Well now I'm not so sure!

They are all about 2 weeks old now. Five out of six chicks all grew tail feathers several days ago and have fully feathered wings. One is still just baby fuzz. I read that feather sexing is pretty accurate at this age, and others have said the chick is just a slow feathering pullet. The problem is, either way, this one isn't a sex link chick. Does anyone have any idea? Breed? Cockrel? Pullet? Black feathers, black legs, black beak, single comb, fearless, very friendly compared to the others.




Here's some pics of one of my (probable) sex links for comparison. All the others have wings and tails just like her.



It was hot today in north FL in case you are wondering why they aren't in their brooder!
Tractor supply usually has Black Australorps, last year I got 6 BA from them that were supposed to be sexed pullets but one of them was bigger than the others and was really slow to feather, that one ended up being a rooster. It looked like that one in the first pic, if they are not black sex links and are BA then I think that one will be a roo. Hatchery quality RIRs also have slow feathering males and fast feathering females. I have never had Black Sexlinks but I did get 4 Red Sexlinks from TS last spring, they feather at random speeds, some feather fast and others feather slow, no matter the gender.
Also, black sexlink males usually have solid yellow legs and feet, hens will have a mostly black leg with sometimes a few yellow toes. That pullet on your shoulder has some yellow toes, I think they are black sexlinks.
Sorry for the three responses buuuut I have also realized that most TS will have the same chickens, usually they have 1 type of sexlink, either blue, black, or red. They also usually have one standard brown egg layer breed, usually the Black australorp. Along with that they have a standard white egg laying breed, usually the White Leghorn. They will also have a "rare" breed as they call it, usually just a silver or golden laced wyandotte. Then they have the assorted bantams and assorted ducks.
Thanks for the replies! They are very helpful!

So it seems if all three are black sex links, they are female unless they are not all sex links, which could mean my slow feathering chick is a cockrel. I guess that one is a wait and see and I'll post pictures again in a few weeks. That one is definitely not the same breed mix as the other two. One of them is feathering in with some red, so I'm wondering if she is a Rhode Island Red and Plymouth Rock cross unless you guys see something else?



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