One of these things is not like the others??!!

I definitely disagree. The second one is a barred rock. The first is the cuckoo maran, see the difference in the leg color? The first one has white/gray legs, the other 2 have yellow. First is definitelyy cuckoo maran, second is barred rock and third, umm well poor looking rock or black sex link.
Yes, I definitely have to side with Yote on this one, that second one is the best colored one and a Barred Rock. All pullets, and the first one is your Marans. Like was already said, as they develop more their color will change, so give it time.
I think the first is your Cuckoo Marans, second your Barred Rock, and the third...your Jersey Giant. Unless you get barring soon.
I'm glad I'm not the only one confused! Thank you guys so much for your help and for a great discussion. I'm fairly certain that 3rd chick isn't my Jersey Giant or my 3 black sex links as it has ever so slight barring.
They're growing up fast so I won't have to wait too much longer. I don't really care how they look as adults, I wanted a very diverse flock, I just wanted to know who was who as the rest were fairly easily identified. These 3 stumped me. I mostly care that they're female.
The second one has yellow leg, so that would have to be one of the Barred Rocks...
In the second set of pictures the Maran should be picture one..


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