One year later


11 Years
Mar 12, 2008
Blountville, TN
I know most of you haven't got to know me yet but I thought I would post some pictures of my two foster rescue horses. These two were seized from a very large case below my house a year ago today. We have been through everything imagineable and back with them. I'll be happy to share their stories with anyone, just ask.

We will be formally signing their papers tomorrow for ownership.

Romance is a 14y/o OTTB and Ace is a3 year old Appendix he was only gelded Wednesday and has had a rough few months thus why he isn't in the best looking shape but I defintely think he's back on track now.

This is Romance day one


This is Romance today.


This is Ace day one- his weight looks better than it is due to severe swelling from a sheath infection.

<img src="" alt="1st 6 Months Of Foster" />

This is him today

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I am only seeing the first picture. Now I really have to see the other pictures because I am angry and heartbroken. I don't know why your pictures are not showing up for me. And thank the Lord, someone got that horse away from whomever did that to him.
You have done a Great job and Congrats on the new ownership...I think people that mistreat animals should be shot or treated the way they treated the animals. I had basically the same thing happen here as a friend brought out 4 horses that were so so took all winter and into the spring to get them back with regular worming and other things. Congrats on your horses I bet they love you dearly as you saved them...
Thanks everyone! This lady had over 20 horses taken from her. She was a pasture hopper and it took them 8 years to finally catch and prosecute her.

While I enjoyed rehabilitating them I don't think I'll be tackling it again anytime soon. I have 12 now and with feed and hay prices I certainly can't afford to!

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