ongoing chicken issue, advice needed


Sep 26, 2020
idk man, no clue
I’ve had my adorable chicken “duck” for a year and 6 months now. recently she started getting fluffed up, losing weight, and had a crop that wouldn’t empty. i immediately treated for worms, and sour crop as it developed into thst. she was recovering and so i put her back with her sisters for a few days, but i checked the coop today and she looked much worse. i treaded for worms with liquid goat dewormer, but i’m worried it might be something else. her crop feels like it has more water than food in it now, and she is refusing food. i have her downstairs with some scrambled egg, sour cream, and mash, but she has lost a lot of weight. her poop is mostly white with green solids mixed in.

Any advice?
Is it the same chicken that you posted about in this thread:
Is her crop ever empty in the early morning? Is it full and hard or puffy? What have you been doing to treat her for the crop problem? Have you tried coconut oil or giving Monistat cream orally? I have never had food success in treating crop disorders since they were usually related to reproductive disorders, but here is a good article about treating them:
Is it the same chicken that you posted about in this thread:
Is her crop ever empty in the early morning? Is it full and hard or puffy? What have you been doing to treat her for the crop problem? Have you tried coconut oil or giving Monistat cream orally? I have never had food success in treating crop disorders since they were usually related to reproductive disorders, but here is a good article about treating them:
it is the same chicken, her crop was hard and small, now it is small and wattery. i’ve been giving her apple cider vinegar, monostat, and sour cream (no yogurt) could i treat for worms again in 10 days? how long until i can treat for codociccous or however you spell it
Just having a crop disorder, that can cause weight loss since the food is not being passed on and utilized. Green poop is a sign of not eating enough. You can try treating for possible coccidiosis with Corid anytime, but it would be good to know why her crop is not emptying. Is a vet possible?
Just having a crop disorder, that can cause weight loss since the food is not being passed on and utilized. Green poop is a sign of not eating enough. You can try treating for possible coccidiosis with Corid anytime, but it would be good to know why her crop is not emptying. Is a vet possible?
eh, i think my parents are tired of me dragging what would be the fourth sick chicken to the vet. might try corid, i just worry that she’s still in the withdrawal period from the goat dewormer
she seems alert, my biggest problem is that she is just refusing to eat. what’s left in her crop feels like grit and water i should mention
Id give her a round of corid, oral drench the first 3 days and see if that helps her improve. You can give it to her while on dewormer 👍
It sounds like enteritis, caused by bacteria after eating something bad. I think sour crop is overdiagnosed. I have never seen it in my birds more than one day and treat it with water by massaging and flushing the crop in the morning to rinse anything leftover from the night.

Enteritis causes inflammation in the intestines and diarreah. Inflammation would be what you are seeing cause the slow crop emptying. To treat it, often it should go away on its own. A Lactobacillus probiotic may help, but sour cream contains no probiotics, it is not helping. Vitamin A and D arent helping. Enteritis is caused by some bad bacteria in the gut and Lacrobacillus is a good bacteria probiotic.

I would treat everthing you are dealing with water. Corrid is a bad idea, very narrow window of treatment, side effects, and drug interactions with what you have been feeding.

Keep trying to flush her system with water and give her her normal food in the morning, see if she takes even a tiny bit all day. If she hasnt eaten in the evening, consider a small piece of fish or liver. The enteritis may go away.

Hope you get her straightened out!

If you have to give corrid, be very careful! She has had diarreah a few days and will be dehydrated and lacking vitamin B, corrid will cause even more vitamin deficiwncy and you are dealing with a bacterial infection, not cocci.

I understand you cant see a vet. They can give proper antibiotic but it does cost a lot. Hopefully she can beat this on her own with a couple days rest and food and water.
whelp, she’s not much better and not much worse. eating, a little bigger stools, but still pretty small. gave her the recommended probiotic, as well as some ACV. i poked around online and found that Bacitracin could be helpful? should i give it a shot? seems strange because most packages say external use only but i had like three websites say it could be beneficial. anyways here’s a picture of one of her most recent stools

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