Ongoing Quilt Projects, Continued from the "No Appreciation...." Thread

I was counting on high winds to blow the plastic bowl off the barn roof that DH got up there trying to "frisbee" it out of the pen. Didn't even budge it. Leave the frisbee throwing to me from now on, hubs.

I finished piecing the quilt, not sure when I'll start assembling it. I was getting close to critical on some of the fabrics. As it is, I had to sub something and one end will be overall darker than the other end of the quilt, but once the quilting is in, nobody will really care. Not sure how I'll quilt this one. I don't do straight lines well with the walking foot, sort of tedious to me. Maybe I'll resort to hand quilting. But, I need to sandwich the other log cabin first, I think.

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Well, first bad news is I am going to have to remake the middle four blocks on the 3D quilt. I cannot get them to meet up right and I can't keep ripping out the seams without destroying the blocks. They have to be 100% perfect since four meet and all the rounds must meet exactly. The rest seems okay.

Second: the quilt back fabric I bought for the log cabin lap quilt lost dye in a very weird way when I pre-washed the yard. I pre-wash red fabrics, especially, and this is what happened. Not sure it's even usable for this, unless I just do it anyway. I contacted the company but they may not have anything to offer me to compensate me for this since it is washed, but I had to wash it to see that the dye was going to come out like this.

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I'm sorry on the middle blocks...

But on the material fading and stripes...that seems like an issue with their dyeing process and you finding it in the prewash was a good thing. I can't understand their objection to a dye issue being found after a wash and not replacing it because it was washed... do they advertise their material as never needing washed? They can see on their records that you just bought it, and I have to believe that washing fabric before adding it to a quilt is the expected why the run around from them? They should offer an exchange at least, and they should check their quality control because there was a problem somewhere that was missed.

If they don't make it right then live and learn...and leave a detailed review of the incident on any relevant sites to warn others. Hopefully they work with you though...
I'm sorry on the middle blocks...

But on the material fading and stripes...that seems like an issue with their dyeing process and you finding it in the prewash was a good thing. I can't understand their objection to a dye issue being found after a wash and not replacing it because it was washed... do they advertise their material as never needing washed? They can see on their records that you just bought it, and I have to believe that washing fabric before adding it to a quilt is the expected why the run around from them? They should offer an exchange at least, and they should check their quality control because there was a problem somewhere that was missed.

If they don't make it right then live and learn...and leave a detailed review of the incident on any relevant sites to warn others. Hopefully they work with you though...

I have not heard back from them yet. In the past, they've been excellent to work with. Once they sent me someone else's order. They just said keep it, then they got my correct one to me. Can't fault that service at all. I would guess others would have complained about this fabric, or if they haven't, it's not that popular. Maybe it's just the red that ran, maybe just one batch, who knows? You pay $10 and you get a fabric that cannot be used. I'm glad that I always wash reds before they're used. I used to wash everything, but now, I just do reds or anything I feel is overdyed and might run. Today, everyone uses precuts and you absolutely cannot wash strips and such before they're assembled in a quilt or you'd just have shreds.
Since they have a good history I expect they will make it right for you... I am glad you washed that piece before adding it to the quilt, you would have been sick to see that afterwards!

Me, too! Scary. Even if it's a gift, that's not acceptable. I hope they say they'll give me a credit and allow me to toss it and get something else. I've already had another order with them since that one that is not here yet.
Received an answer from the company this a.m. Despite some of what they say, I know how to prewash a fabric. This was a dye issue. The Retayne should not have to be used on this type fabric, only on overdyes like batiks. This was definitely not that. It wasn't even a deep red.

That's kind of a non-answer about non-accountability. At least you get a refund for the purchase.
That's kind of a non-answer about non-accountability. At least you get a refund for the purchase.

Exactly. I replied with a photo of the fabric, which I could not put in my contact form. Even if it had just faded, it would have been okay to a degree. Some lose color. That is more than fading. That is an improperly set dye, IMO, a substandard product. I've never had any issues of the sort with their fabrics before this but at least I don't have to eat my money and keep being mad about it. I use some fabric in my mug mats that stays on the inside of them, does not show. That would be good for cutting into squares for that purpose so I don't have to waste good fabric.
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