Ongoing Quilt Projects, Continued from the "No Appreciation...." Thread

Thank you. I hope she still wants it when I tell her the price, LOL.

Lol. I know! People are inclined to think walmart quilt prices are what all quilts should be.
I am sure she is expecting to pay more than that since she has already bought a couple.

I sure wish I had a long arm. I really feel it when there are a lot of turns in a big quilt.

Your ruler work looks fantastic by the way.
Thanks, but I have a lot of practice to do before I can do well on rulers on a large project. Here she is, complete except for two sides of the binding, which I am doing by folding the backing to the front (double layer fold) and whipstitching by hand. It's chilly/wet-raw enough to sit with a quilt on my lap for sure today.
Every now and then a good day snuggled under a quilt works wonders.
I still think your ruler work looks great!

I have a question regarding backing.....

I have 2 options for this option means ordering a bit more fabric since no more is available close by.

Here's the quilt top.

Backing #1
Backing #2

Of course I like one better than the other.
I am not so good with fabric decisions though.


I was leaning that way too. Luckily that's the one I have enough of.

The blue one is available online or 40+ miles away (if their stock showing is correct :hmm).

I will try to quilt accurately with the lighter backing. :p

I still have a ton to learn.

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