Ongoing Quilt Projects, Continued from the "No Appreciation...." Thread


What's everyone up to? I've been doing a Build a Quilt quilt along and a reverse applique quiltalong (and working of course :rolleyes: )
I also have been sucked into the Dream Big panel craze. I bought 3 panels from my LQS last fall or summer (I forget) and went there again yesterday to get another one of each in case I messed up the ones I bought previously. While there, I saw a rug made with jelly roll strips. So, being intrigued, I got the pattern and rolls of 2-1/2 inch batting strips it needs. Then I came home and started looking for ideas on quilting the panels and saw panels I didn't have that I loved. So I started shopping.......By the time my orders are delivered, I will have a total of 30 panels. :th. If I can't quilt a decent one of out of all that, I am doomed.

I was doing some feather practice on my longarm last weekend and next morning, noticed that it looked rather hammocky and was covered in cat hair. Yes, my husband's cat decided that my project was indeed a hammock and obviously slept there overnight. Catz. I am so glad I was able to add to her comfort.
I have been in the dumps with geriatric pets and hard decisions so haven't been to my sewing room lately.

I saw the dream big panels. They are very pretty!

I look forward to seeing what you do with them.
Me, too, @21hens-incharge. I got my lap quilt pin-basted then didn't want to do one more thing on it or anything else. I was quilted out. Oddly enough, after all this time, today, not long before Terrie posted here, I put it on the machine and started quilting it. My geriatric issue is my husband. He's been feeling bad lately, in a lot of pain and everything is piling up. I am in the dumps myself.
Here is the way I started the quilting.
Me, too, @21hens-incharge. I got my lap quilt pin-basted then didn't want to do one more thing on it or anything else. I was quilted out. Oddly enough, after all this time, today, not long before Terrie posted here, I put it on the machine and started quilting it. My geriatric issue is my husband. He's been feeling bad lately, in a lot of pain and everything is piling up. I am in the dumps myself.
Here is the way I started the quilting.
View attachment 1635022

I am sorry to hear your hubby isn't well. I really hope he gets his gumption back soon.

I know how hard settling down to the sewing machine can be when the worries are weighing on us.
Your quilting is very nice.
I have been in the dumps with geriatric pets and hard decisions so haven't been to my sewing room lately.

It's hard when pets get old. The decisions are harder. :hugs
My geriatric issue is my husband. He's been feeling bad lately, in a lot of pain and everything is piling up. I am in the dumps myself.
So sucky about hubby. I'm sorry. My old goat hasn't been feeling well either. He is not too sick to go play in his band though. :rolleyes:
We are going to remodel his bathroom to replace the tub shower with a walk in stall. He is increasingly unsteady and the last thing I want is to clean up a bloody mess if he slips and cracks his head.
Yikes, Terrie! Sorry about your guy, too. It's hard to stay positive when the other half is so sad-sack all the time. And the jobs just pile up because I can't do them by myself. He feels useless and I feel bad for him. Eventually, I'll have to save enough $$$ to get someone else to clean up around this property and do jobs he can't do anymore without hurting himself badly.
And making those awful decisions about your pets are so hard. You know what's best, but then it doesn't feel good at all, even when it's right. Been there, done that.
Well, I am determined to master feathers on my sewing machine and longarm. I have been doing feathers for the last 2 hours on my Dreamweaver, "Alice". I am getting the muscle memory for bumpback feathers, but only the left pointing ones. I actually did some decent rows today. I struggle with the right pointing feathers and don't know why. Cyn, what method are you using for your quilts? They are beautiful.
Ok I need help.
I am making a king size quilt for my stepson and his very nice wife.
Having some color troubles.....
Their favorite colors are dark (royal) purple and rich (hunters) green. :hmm

I am going with one of these two patterns.....

I like the north star better myself.

I hope the sun didn't make the colors was h out to much.
The top fabric is 108 backing I ordered.

If something is going to be just awful in those patterns please tell me before I make a mess of it.

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