Ongoing Quilt Projects, Continued from the "No Appreciation...." Thread

I haven't quilted in months, not since I broke my leg Oct 2, but I just pulled out a lap quilt I finished just before that and featured it in a video on my homesteading channel at the end. Maybe someone will want it. It's in cheerful spring colors so we all need that about now! I was thinking that I need to get back to it, to bolster my mood.
I didn't know you had broken your leg! So sorry to hear that. I can certainly sympathize, I had a broken foot with surgical repair and a stoved up shoulder from a fall in the spring. Had serious complications during summer and it is certainly hard to get "back to normal", I'm not even sure what normal will be in the future.
But I am glad to hear you are getting back to the quilting a bit, that machine is beautiful and will be fun for you to learn the capabilities of it! Will hope to see some more beautiful quilts soon.
I didn’t know you’d broken your leg either, but then I’ve been off BYC for almost 2 years. Just made it back last month. I am so sorry that you’ve had to endure that!

I use these workhorses for almost all of my quilts. I‘ve had an Elna Quilter’s Dream for years and years, and it works beautifully. But it seems whenever the bug hits me, out come the Singers, either one of the Featherweights or the treadle. We just moved into a new home and I decided that as seldom as the guest room will be used, it may as well double as a sewing room for me so one of the Featherweights and the Old Girl are set up and waiting. The Old Girl needs a new belt - it’s ordered by not here yet. They’ve all been cleaned and oiled. I don’t machine quilt….tried it on the Elna several times and hated every minute of it. So the Singers do exactly what I need when I machine sew, then I do all my quilting by hand. Hand quilting and Broderie Perse are my first loves.

Anyway, just stopped by to say hello. :frow

Edited: Forgot the photo!
Hi guys! I got directed here by some of you lovely people this morning to read through and how crazy it comes back to life! Those machines are beautiful @Blooie ❤ I learnt to sew on a treadle like that when I was 7, but haven't touched one since
i always tell people that my pieced quilts are mediocre, but I’ve got great thighs! :lau
Okay, you forced me into it! ;)

This one is called “I Remember Mama”, made in loving memory of my mom and her flower gardens, but the rest of the world knows it as “The Albatross” because of how long it took me to make. It’s a Broderie Perse quilt and throughout the 4 years of its construction it was never touched by a sewing machine, not even to seam the big panels together or bind it. It’s black polished cotton, and the motifs are appliquéd in a tiny buttonhole stitch, each stitch touching the stitch next to it with black silk thread so the flowers appear to float. In fact, the stitches are so close together that they defeated me in a major quilt show. I’d entered it in the ‘Hand appliquéd, hand quilted’ category. I received nothing but the highest praise for the hand quilting and binding, but the judging critique also said “This quilter needs more instruction and practice with her machine appliqué.” Really? So here ya go….the quilt I’m proudest of:

This quilt is huge. That’s a little bit of me standing next to it.


It’s so big I couldn’t get it all to fit in the photo and the bower over the pillows doesn’t show.


This was the only angle to get it all.


Detail of the hand stitching.

Edited to add: Funny thing about this quilt. I thought it was done. I had the wreath of Ma’s favorite flowers in the center and the smaller sprays along the corners and on the sides. A year after it was done - and after it had been shown in Fon’s and Porter’s ‘Sew Many Quilts’ magazine - I ran across the fabric with the poinsettias and doves, and I knew I had to add them since we buried my beloved mother on Christmas Eve. So there I was, spending another 3 months holding this “finished”behemoth on my lap, carefully repeating the same appliqué process to put the new motifs in without sewing through the batting and backing and without messing up the quilt pattern on the back. That’s is NOT a process I care to repeat!
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