Online CRAZY EGG CHAIN lets play

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ACTUALLY i do use plastic walmart bags to stuff around my eggs, i've found that recently that seems to work out very well. i also use shredded paper, that has worked but not as well as walmart bags. i normally offer my eggs locally, but only recently started swapping on here. i've not been sending out eggs for a really long time, but i have been at it for awhile. i used up my boxes of my own, and now i am usually using the 7x7 priority box. i agree some ppl ask way to much for shipping, i usually pay around $5.00+ for shipping because i use the 7x7 box, on ocassion i will need to use the medium box. just depends on how many i'm sending out.

i guess it's my po side that is being rough, i'm glad that most of you are not having to much trouble with your po. i pack the best i can. I DO have pure and mixed breeds of poultry. i advertise as such. yes i am new to poultry but i know my birds. i HAVE NEVER once got a complaint about my birds, eggs that i sell locally. like i said i use what i have which is bubble wrap, tissue paper, plastic bags, newspaper. I always ship priority, except once and they requested express.

i guess i don't need to be so willing to share my wonderful flocks with you all very much anymore. i enjoy swapping, i send what i say, i ship and package as many of you do. i've recieved many packages from you all that are wrapped and shipped as the same i as i am doing..

john i guess i will see if just putting "FRAGILE" on the box makes a difference. i only recently started putting "FRAGILE, HATCHING EGGS" on the box becasue i had someone request it and the eggs arrive in tact and were developing. I only started swapping because I wanted to upgrade, include new blood into my flocks and I didn't want to run the risk of spending tons of money when shipped eggs are such a risk. so AGAIN i package, ship, have breeds (MIXED AND PURE) as many of you have. IF the person (s) request more eggs of being broken etc, i'm more than happy to send them more asap, and then i make sure i put more padding, bubble wrap, etc in the box around the eggs to hopefully get them there in one piece.

i don't mind feedback, suggestions, but when it attacks me personally that i'm a liar, a trickster, etc thats when it bugs me!!! i'm not a liar, trickster, etc. i don't go around calling ppl this and that, saying nasty things about them, if i have a problem i go to them in pm or in person if i can. there is no reason in the world to say ugly, untrue things about people that they don't even know. so like i said and always have said-i'm human, i make mistakes, when i realize it, i go and try to fix them. i'm not perfect, packaging and eggs are a gamble to a certian point and i know this and others should as well.

i don't over charge for eggs, shipping, etc. i don't take ppl for a ride, i don't lie, i don't hide, i am going about my business the very best i can. i recently broke my hand falling off a ladder, AND the weather here has been nuts...i'm not always around, i'm out taking care of my flocks, putting some of their winter cover on them again...etc. plus breaking my hand has slowed me down...i'm getting on here as much as possible, BUT like everyone else i have a life beyond sitting on this computer 24/7. and yes i don't have a picture/s of every stinking bird, egg, and chick i currently have....WHO DOES???? i add pictures as much as i can BUT i can't go around playing photographer with EVERY SINGLE BIRD ON MY PROPERTY, EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK.

by the way clover, your eggs you sent-not all came in tact, and not all of them are developing. i ddnt say anything because i knew it was a possibility of that happening.
ACTUALLY i do use plastic walmart bags to stuff around my eggs, i've found that recently that seems to work out very well. i also use shredded paper, that has worked but not as well as walmart bags. i normally offer my eggs locally, but only recently started swapping on here. i've not been sending out eggs for a really long time, but i have been at it for awhile. i used up my boxes of my own, and now i am usually using the 7x7 priority box. i agree some ppl ask way to much for shipping, i usually pay around $5.00+ for shipping because i use the 7x7 box, on ocassion i will need to use the medium box. just depends on how many i'm sending out.

i guess it's my po side that is being rough, i'm glad that most of you are not having to much trouble with your po. i pack the best i can. I DO have pure and mixed breeds of poultry. i advertise as such. yes i am new to poultry but i know my birds. i HAVE NEVER once got a complaint about my birds, eggs that i sell locally. like i said i use what i have which is bubble wrap, tissue paper, plastic bags, newspaper. I always ship priority, except once and they requested express.

i guess i don't need to be so willing to share my wonderful flocks with you all very much anymore. i enjoy swapping, i send what i say, i ship and package as many of you do. i've recieved many packages from you all that are wrapped and shipped as the same i as i am doing..

john i guess i will see if just putting "FRAGILE" on the box makes a difference. i only recently started putting "FRAGILE, HATCHING EGGS" on the box becasue i had someone request it and the eggs arrive in tact and were developing. I only started swapping because I wanted to upgrade, include new blood into my flocks and I didn't want to run the risk of spending tons of money when shipped eggs are such a risk. so AGAIN i package, ship, have breeds (MIXED AND PURE) as many of you have. IF the person (s) request more eggs of being broken etc, i'm more than happy to send them more asap, and then i make sure i put more padding, bubble wrap, etc in the box around the eggs to hopefully get them there in one piece.

i don't mind feedback, suggestions, but when it attacks me personally that i'm a liar, a trickster, etc thats when it bugs me!!! i'm not a liar, trickster, etc. i don't go around calling ppl this and that, saying nasty things about them, if i have a problem i go to them in pm or in person if i can. there is no reason in the world to say ugly, untrue things about people that they don't even know. so like i said and always have said-i'm human, i make mistakes, when i realize it, i go and try to fix them. i'm not perfect, packaging and eggs are a gamble to a certian point and i know this and others should as well.

i don't over charge for eggs, shipping, etc. i don't take ppl for a ride, i don't lie, i don't hide, i am going about my business the very best i can. i recently broke my hand falling off a ladder, AND the weather here has been nuts...i'm not always around, i'm out taking care of my flocks, putting some of their winter cover on them again...etc. plus breaking my hand has slowed me down...i'm getting on here as much as possible, BUT like everyone else i have a life beyond sitting on this computer 24/7. and yes i don't have a picture/s of every stinking bird, egg, and chick i currently have....WHO DOES???? i add pictures as much as i can BUT i can't go around playing photographer with EVERY SINGLE BIRD ON MY PROPERTY, EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK.

by the way clover, your eggs you sent-not all came in tact, and not all of them are developing. i ddnt say anything because i knew it was a possibility of that happening.

If eggs do not come intact then you should have sent me a PM right away and let me know - I would have asked for pics of the box as I pay for insurance on all eggs I ship - I have chicks here from all my hens so I know they are fertile. Saying anything now is suspect - sorry! By the way does the screen name nsampsel mean anything to you? - just curious.
If eggs do not come intact then you should have sent me a PM right away and let me know - I would have asked for pics of the box as I pay for insurance on all eggs I ship - I have chicks here from all my hens so I know they are fertile. Saying anything now is suspect - sorry! By the way does the screen name nsampsel mean anything to you? - just curious.
i recind my offer...nevermind.

i may or may not be back on the swap threads. i think for now i need to concentrate on my wonderful-loyal customers here. happy swapping everyone! you won't see me around here or other swap threads for awhile...goodbye!
Having a bad packing day, being new with shipping, etc, are all forgiveable in my mind. Unfortunately, sending less than what's listed in the auction and sending pekins, basque, polish, etc instead of calls, runners (you did at least tell me after auction that you couldn't send any of these), production reds, etc, isn't quite as forgiveable... not at all when several others were having the same problem. I see that at least the mixed breeds are being listed as such now (basque, polish, etc). But as I said, reputations can HURT a lot. I had one package that got screwed up during my move and payment was refunded. That bad incident on my part is still biting me in the tuckus, despite hundreds of good sales/swaps. When you're swapping/selling for fun, even one bad experience can ruin your fun... when the sales/swaps mean more than just fun and you need the money for your family, it really bites you in the butt. BYC is a big community and a great place to meet great people and is huge for advertising. However, it's also a place that you can really hurt yourself and your reputation.
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had to go back almost 3 days for this one:

Current offer:

Quote: Originally Posted by minihorse927

Can't resist, salmon favorelle please if you're willing to wait till mid may to ship? Let me know. If not I could take them now.


6+ Pekin duck eggs(2 weeks)
6 grey call duck eggs
12+ hens choice between the two duck egg offers

Can also do 4SBEL and 4+EE
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betta i fully agree with you, but i did say what i was sending you. i had every egg labled and i wrote you that i had made a mistake and misread what i had labled the day before. i would have been more than happy to send you more, pekins, runners, etc. but i never heard from you.

there are wonderful-many wonderful ppl on byc. i do enjoy swapping and chatting with all these lovely ppl. i am not faulting any one person for a few ppl that has not been so nice. you live and learn, which swapping on here was a huge learning experience. but i never hid the fact that i read wrong on my label of eggs, i labeled my eggs and NEVER said that anything BUT my pekins and runners were pure..i have both, mix and pure. my ducks, turkeys are pure and others are as well. i have pure and mixed chickens too. i've not hid that fact, i have many different flocks. i would love to continue to swap on these threads.

but as of right now, it's becoming more of a headache and i hate that it is but it if someone wants my offer i am more than happy to send them, but if not i will go elsewhere and take care of my locals....whichever is fine with me...
Not to be rude but you did not tell me you were sending less eggs then my swaps. And when I told you you knew. It was not a mistake. I know everyone has learning experiences shipping. I know I did! But every shipment as a learning experience is hard on the people you are sending to.

I hope you can take the feedback and become a fabulous shipper and have a wonderful time with your local egg sales.
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