Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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Glad you got the damage control going. Looking forward to getting those eggs from you, Ark81. How is your hand?
It's a good thing I am almost done the big triple brooder, because I ordered a bunch of chicks. DH saw the bill, and says, that's a lot of chickens! Yes, but they are only bantams and they don't really count, except the BLRW , which I already have a trio of, so they're not a new breed or anything.

Sold two lionhead bunnies, and I sold two of my neighbor's rabbits for her. She has beautiful Lops. Now the battery died in my Mule, so I have to get a new one for that. I want to build a duck pen down by the pond, right now they are in one of the old chicken coops. Had a Buff duckling hatch today, I am hatching on the halves, so I sure hope lots more hatch as well. My neighbor and I are going to the livestock sale Saturday at R&J feed in Jackson, TN. I have some goats to sell, and chicks of course. My neighbor has ducks to sell.
I was having a bummed out Mothers Day, until my eldest son called at 11 PM. It was so nice to talk to him. Then today I got a card from the younger son and his sweetie. So i feel better now.
Tomorrow is shopping day, need more 2x4s etc , it never ends.
Hot yes the storm damage is almost taken care of...should be next week when I get another huge order of eggs out. I have had to scramble to try and find some birds to replace the ones I lost. The breeds ive been left with are some of my favies so I am not in a huge rush to replace everything just yet.

The doc said I need surgery at some point but I just can't afford if right now. I'm sure I will regret my decision when I'm older. Its my knuckles and middle finger that was hurt the worst so nothing major. Its slowed me down some but ive learned to work around it...

Sounds like you've been very busy. I decided to make more portable coops /runs instead of making them permanent ones...I like the design much more. The weather has been very nice so ive been able to really work hard on all the damage. Ive got lots of chicks of all kinds hatching so busy times but I love it.

Thank u everyone for your kindness and patience.
Woo hoo! I finally figured out how to get a pic on here again! This is one of my Lionhead does. Oh man, there was a small possum in one of the chicken coops, I am going to have to figure out how it got in there. I dragged it out and sprayed it with a hose. It was in a big hurry to leave.
hot that picture is precious...i best not let my daughter see that, i would be building yet another pen! we've been very lucky and not had any big issues with preds...BUT when i was outside working on yet another pen, looked up and saw two bald eagles flying over. i'm hoping to get the new run made today so my layers can be protected.

we are supposed to have storms for the next two days....pray for us to not get any damage. i'm crossing my fingers!!!
It poured here all day. I am hoping to go to the Livestock Sale at R&J Feed tomorrow,(Jackson, TN) if it does not rain. It usually lasts all morning. Have a goat or two to take, a few bunnies, tons of chicks. My neighbor is going as well, she has ducklings and Lop bunnies to sell.
Saw a possum out under one of the bantam pens last night, but by the time I got back it had gone off into the bushes, full of Virginia Creeper which gives me an itchy rash. I gave up and went back in the house. I have never seen this many possums around here before.
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My friend sold her ducks, I sold my chicks, and when I got back home, I sold three goats. Miss them already. Down to four male goats now, sold the does.
Bought some 2x4s, need to build a chicken tractor for the young bantams. Going to the flea market tomorrow, hope to find more bunnies
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