Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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She is beautiful why are you selling her?
I believe because she is down to one goat. If it was me I would keep her and sell the little dogs
Not I would keep the big dog outside ( and inside a little) for chicken protection ,ya need that. And little dogs to cuddle and sit with you while you talk on byc! Although no one TALKS or chats on Here much anymore. Drives me nuts waiting at night for people to talk or say something. Makes me ALMOST think I'm on here to much.
Yes, I am selling most of the chickens and the goats are almost gone. I am keeping BLRW, and some banties. And my splash silkies. But DH is still not working, and I have to stop spending so much on feed. Was at Walmart today, and the food I used to feed the big dog went up $2 a bag. Everything keeps going up, except how much people are willing to pay for livestock. Sold 74 chickens the other day at the auction. Some of the banties went for as cheap as $2 per pair. Then sold 4 more when I got home. Sold 4 more today, and someone is coming over tomorrow evening. I would get more if I waited til spring to sell them, but can't afford it unless I go back to work.
The apple trees are groaning with apples, and it smells like cider in the orchard. I am making pies, and feeding the bunnies apples twice a day. Got a recipe for applesauce canning on the internet, may try that. And I do love cider, I wonder how hard it is to make that.
Yes, I am selling most of the chickens and the goats are almost gone. I am keeping BLRW, and some banties. And my splash silkies. But DH is still not working, and I have to stop spending so much on feed. Was at Walmart today, and the food I used to feed the big dog went up $2 a bag. Everything keeps going up, except how much people are willing to pay for livestock. Sold 74 chickens the other day at the auction. Some of the banties went for as cheap as $2 per pair. Then sold 4 more when I got home. Sold 4 more today, and someone is coming over tomorrow evening. I would get more if I waited til spring to sell them, but can't afford it unless I go back to work.
The apple trees are groaning with apples, and it smells like cider in the orchard. I am making pies, and feeding the bunnies apples twice a day. Got a recipe for applesauce canning on the internet, may try that. And I do love cider, I wonder how hard it is to make that.
You can freeze apples as well.

How to Make Apple Cider
I made some cider, it is way delicious. The apples are getting very ripe, so we need to pick them. Wish I had some energy.
Had a super time in Florida, equal parts fun and work. Lots of shopping, helped Mom get rid of lots of her books, helped Dad on the computer, went to the beach and the aquarium, took the dogs to the park, fixed the roof, saw the grandkids and kids, and ate way too much tasty food!
Sold four rabbits today, five quail, and a bunch of chickens. Pretty much done on the new banty duplex!
Had a super time in Florida, equal parts fun and work. Lots of shopping, helped Mom get rid of lots of her books, helped Dad on the computer, went to the beach and the aquarium, took the dogs to the park, fixed the roof, saw the grandkids and kids, and ate way too much tasty food!
Sold four rabbits today, five quail, and a bunch of chickens. Pretty much done on the new banty duplex!

Glad you had a good vacation, sorry about your husband still out of work. We're needing to get rid of some roosters from our Spring hatchings, do you know when the next poultry auction is at Scott's Hill? Thanks!
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