Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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Well, I bought a RIR rooster for my production reds. And then I bought 5 black sexlink hens. Tomorrow I am getting a dozen more chickens, and the next day, 10 or 12 more. Oh yes, I got a bunch of chick feeders for like $1.50 each and two shower doors for $1 each. I already installed one in the coop I am making from a goat shelter. I took all the wood off the sides and redid it. Made the door, fixed the roof. Now I just need to paint it and install perches, nest box, feeders etc. Oh, and I am going to make the run out of a hay ring.
Thanks for putting those pics up, Jim, I had a request.
Today I got 64 eggs from my chickens and quail. Good work, girls. I also got 24 eggs in the mail! October swap eggs from Shelley and eggs from the SQ swap. Now I will need 6 more coops, if they all hatch. Good grief.
Geesh woman, how on earth do you keep up.
I am trying to downsize because I can't keep up. Plus hubby would probably divorce me if I had that many coops.

I almost never take a day off. DH is being a very good sport about it, and asked my why I wasn't using a particular incubator!?! Then he quizzed my about why I am putting this latest coop in a different pasture. "Oh God, you're starting another Chicken City?" But he didn't complain about the chickens I brought home today. I have not brought up these other ones yet....
Did I mention that I build almost all my own coops and runs? I think that helps. But yeah, I am behind on coops. I need coops for the EEs, white EEs, several colors of polish, salmon faverolles, and Buff Brahmas. They are in grow out pens or tractors. Generally, when I build a coop I make it a duplex and put the runs side by side to save materials. I have only been working on this latest one for 2 days and I am almost done.
Being able to sell eggs online is a good thing, he wants me to buy all my own feed. I sell a load of eating eggs as well as chicks.
How is your jaw doing, Michelle?
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lol.... don't tell him. My hubby don't pay attention to my birds. I always just say I hatched them out don't you remember.
He is quite intelligent and very observant. Plus the lady wants to get rid of all of her chickens tomorrow , so he will know. Now Monday, he is at work, so maybe I can smuggle the Blue Orps in. But sooner or later he will notice them. Plus he sees them growing up in the grow out pens, so if full grown chickens show up, he can tell.
Did you say Blue Orps?
first SS, then SLW, then LO, then Buff Brahma, then Silver Sussex. When you end up with Langshans I am going to scream. Does your dog like treats? I don't know where your birds went if they disappear.
My teeth aren't bothering me to bad the perks are helping with that. But my jaw from where the tools hit that made a bit of a ruckus in my mouth is hurting like heck still. I rinse my mouth after every meal and swish salt water a few times a day. i have also been using some medicine with benzocaine in it and rubbing it on the sores in my mouth that was caused from the teeth being pulled. I am still icing and laying around. Hubby has been a real sport about cooking and cleaning and taking care of the kids. Thanks for asking Deb.
Lol.... I tried. My hubby never goes into the barn but once in a great while. So I can usually slide a couple by without him noticing. Or I have to fib about what I paid for them.
Yeah, I had a pair then my hen got egg bound and died:-( This lady has a flock she hatched this spring and wants to sell. About 90 minutes from Jackson, which is like 30+ minutes from here. No Langshans, but I have Sumatra eggs from Shellyga. And Marans...
I hit the ground running this morning, and didn't stop. The power went off last night, so my alarm didn't ring this morning. At 9 , the phone rang. Someone wants to buy eggs. I am supposed to be in Pinson to buy those chickens at 10:00. So I run around and get ready to go. Truck does not start first 2 tries, but third time the charm. I go get the chickens, she sold a couple but I got 9 hens and two roos. Which is wonderful, because I need eating eggs for all these people. I got the coop finished and painted , built the nest box, put the chickens in there. Most of them are buffs but two are black australorps, one is a RIR, and one Ameraucana rooster. Hopefully they will be good layers for me. They are nice heavy chickens, well fed and this years birds.
I have been wrapping eggs all night, but I need to box them in the morning. DH is asleep so I can't crumple paper. Have not heard back from the lady with the orp flock, maybe she sold them:-(
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