Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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Just wrapped up 16 Coronation/Light Sussex eggs. I'll have to get up early and wrap somemore. I'm going to bed! Haha

Excited to report that today the boys got out there and worked on my poultry 'barn' (trailer), so far we have 4 runs and 4 pens!!! There are still some stuff that needs to be done, but hopefully we can get this building at least 80% finished before we have to go to San Antonio at the end of this month. Keep your fingers crossed with me! I'll try and post pictures sometime tomarrow if I have time.

~ Aspen
What, or rather which, breeds will fill these new pens?? They are a bit of work. DH started one today. So I hope you are able to finish these by your deadline. GL
I have been wrapping eggs too. Need to figure out how to use my new scale and printer. I can get free delivery confirmation if I print my own postage. Plus you get cheaper rates I think. Did you sell those lemon eggs? I got the Salmon Faverolles into their new coop today. Now I have an empty 10 x10 run with attached 4x8 coop empty. So I plan to clean it out then put the biggest youngsters from the barn in there. Then I can move more out of the insulated room, they are growing so fast! It is the coldest it has been for a while.May have ice to break in the morning. I had better go check the does to make sure there are no new kids. And the heat lamps over the chicks...
I just checked my ewe. No lambs. SHe actually looked more comfortable, for a full term ewe laying down, that is. TIme for me to sleep. DH takes the early shift about 5-6 am.
The goats were all in their barn, no new kids. I took them extra hay because it is going to be cold tonight. The silkie broodies had a chick hatched out so I took it, they are not really set up for chicks in winter. I am putting mostly EE in my grow out pen, they are for sale since my flock is fairly young and I have lots of hens. There are a lot of young silkies that need to come out of the brooder, and polish ...
ANy kids born today??

THe late nights are catching up with me. WHile waiting for the school bus in my car, I kept falling asleep. My head would fall forward and I jerked awake only to fall back asleep and repeat over and over. Dead tired.

THe ewes decided to squeez under the mesh fence to graze outside the fenced area. Apparently the green grass was more appealing than the left over hay from breakfast. I think they are part goat! Gave them fresh hay and they stayed put the rest of the afternoon.

DH is working on the chicken coop in the dark holding a small flashlight in his mouth. I suggested the work lights. Flashlight was fine. The marans were settled in for the night and didn't seem to mind the hand saw and drill. Got one egg today so I assume they are settling in just fine. THis egg was different so I have 2 laying at this time. It occurred to me that they will need a light to stimulate laying.
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