Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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Shelly wrote:
"I grew up eating quail that was shot by my father and grandfather.. would be nice to eat some without biting on bird shot

I never thought of the birds full of shot!! Of course, the shot would not be removed before cooking, an impossible job. Stew and let shot fall to the bottom of the pot??? How do you prepare your quail? I have a far greater appreciation of my food since dealing with chickens and other fowl.

THe last batch of chicks are out of the house.
DH wanted to build a duck house but I needed the chicks out now!. THe cat shares the bathroom with the chicks and she protests their presence by doing her business on the toilet seat cover. Makes for a wet bum when I sat to check /change leg bands.
DH drove off to do a few errands and I saw my chance to steal the drill. I threw together base and walls without cutting anything. Selected the plywood for the best fit and screwed it all together. Had all the walls up before he returned!!!! He finished the top with 3 supports already cut for a previous project and fitted on 4 sheets of 3x4 scrap plywood.THen the slide door-- he's a whiz a building those now! Install heat light and water, and boys transported the chicks. DONE. DONE. DONE !
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So I was supposed to get help today on the latest coop, but not much happened until late this afternoon DH decided to move the big old dog house I built for Joel and use it for a chicken coop since the dog does not use it. Hooked it up to the Mule and dragged it down to where we have been building coops lately. Went quite well except split one board, so I can replace it. I worked on the panels for the run, got one done and another done except the door. I will have to put wire on the floor, make a bigger door and make the pop hole smaller. Nest box, feeder, perches... so it goes. I am thinking the Buff Brahmas may get this coop, I only have three hens and one rooster so they don't need a big coop. Right now they are in the two story chicken tractor, but I would like them to have a bigger run.
Had to milk Bella since she had only the one kid. Took the milk and added it to the mix for my little bottle kid. He is doing well, and I am very happy about that. Nivea was looking like she might kid so I locked her in a pen tonight. Will check her soon when I give Slim his next bottle.
I moved quail today too, Shelly! My last batch went into the outdoor brooder. Hope to sell them soon. Love it when the chicks are hatching, I had three hatch today. One Sizzle, a black Aussie, and one other I forget....Might be more when I go back out there.
Packing eggs tonight, I sure wish people would add their BYC name when they pay for eggs, it makes life much easier. My two auctions on Ebay did not sell this week, bummer. Tomorrow I go to Jackson , ship eggs and shop.
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I glad slim is doing ok,some day you may have to call him chubby.A lot of wind today ,that made it cold and i new that it was going to rain,So i have this 4+8 pen with a small coop behind it and it's covered in with a tarp. I found some2+4 that was painted red and some scrap sheet metal that was the right size and nailed it together in no time.It looks great,after feedingi unloaded a pickup load of fire wood by myself, everyone here is still sick with the flu that i had. While i was getting the last of the fire wood it started to rain.
Yes, I think that rain is headed our way. I went out and gave Slim his bottle, then checked on Buttons. Good thing I did, she had kidded! And the buckling somehow got out of the pen and was lying on his side, I thought he was dead! Anyway, I put her in another pen and the kids are now on their feet. I am afraid she is not going to let them nurse like her mom. May have to bottle feed a day or so until she gets the idea.She had a boy and a girl:) Both brown, while she is black with white spots. Sasha is moaning a bit, so big and uncomfortable. I hope she kids soon for her sake. I had a doe whose kids died inside her once, then she died but I didn't know the kids were dead so as soon as she died I cut her open and delivered the kids . They had been dead a while I guess. It was so sad:'(
I found four more chicks in the Hatcher, one is my first Ameraucana to hatch! Yes!:)
Had a little sprinkle of rain this morning..and sky is overcast..but decent "working" weather. I went out to check on the newly moved quail and they are all doing well.. got 5 so I guess they are happy enough. DH and I are making breeder pen plans and believe it or not.. I am trying to show some restraint. I don't want the chickens to get to be so much that I spend all my time taking care of them and no time enjoying. I am making some critical decisions about just what breeders I want separate and which other ones will be in the 'eating egg' flock. I can always switch groups around if I decide that I want some pure eggs for this reason or that.

What I do know is that I have toooooo many Just sitting here typing, I can glance out the window and see several that need to find a new home.. maybe the auction this weekend. I would LOVE to find a silver laced wyndotte rooster.. one came through the auction about a month ago that was beautiful.. but I didn't jump on bidding.. so missed out. Of course, for you all that go to the auctions..the best way to not see something is to be wanting I need a golden sebright rooster too.. to match up with my three girls... hopefully I can find one soon.

I have more chicks hatching.. just notice a crack on one of the two coronation eggs in this batch.. so excited. So far 4 Black Copper Maran chicks out and fluffing up.... and probably 4-5 more actively zipping.. I need to stop running to the incubator every 5

I guess I will get the rest of my eggs packed up and sent out..heading to the PO soon. Maybe my baby coro will be out when I get back..

Good Grief.. I think one of the TWO laying Coronations has decided to go broody...
I have all the luck!

Seems like I keep getting more broodies too, and they never get off no matter how long they are on there! I have three bantam cochins, A speckled Sussex, a Light Sussex, A LF Cochin, Buff Brahma, six silkies, a buff orp, ALL BROODY! Good grief!
I packed and shipped seven boxes today. The online postage works well, and I can pay from my paypal account so it doesn't go on the credit card, which DH will enjoy. And no waiting in line at the PO.Plus the delivery confirmation is free, and you get an electronic rate.
It was lovely outside today. I built the door for the run, painted it and attached wire. I had been planning to go to Jackson, but by the time I shipped all those boxes it was getting late. Tonight a built a third feeder, the big bulk ones I have been making. So once the caulk dries, I can paint it. I am going to be a happy camper when I get them installed in all the coops. It will save a lot of time and wasted feed. The goats are doing well, just a few remain that have not kidded yet. I need to go do the midnight check soon. And milk Bella some more.
This week I put up more auctions because my Ebay auctions didn't sell. Heck, I can't hatch all of them! My young silkie hen....
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I have 3 broodies already too. I mostly get them in mid summer.I went to the feed store and was happy to find out that that old feed store that i used to go to is cheaper that tractor supply. When they first opened they where a lot cheaper, but not no more.I did sell some bantam araucanas on ebay and packed them up.Mostly i just did a lot of running around today.
Yes, Shelly, I need to cut back some too. I think I will sell my older flock of Black Australorps. That will give the younger ones a bigger place to live. Maybe cut back some on the buff orps since I have two flocks. Seems like all I ever do is feed critters sometimes. Those new feeders will help and bigger waterers.
I just came in from milking Buttons and Bella. Buttons fought like crazy, and Bella was as good as gold. Buttons seems to have some blockage of the left nipple, I kept milking and got out something that looks like a blood vessel! I have never seen anything like it. But if I don't get some milk drained off she will end up with mastitis. Slim is getting more goats milk than formula, he stays full longer now:)
I a wondering if this mild winter hasn't confused the broodies..if this Coronation sticks.. that will make number 4 for me. One Blue Oprington has already hatched her small brood.. only two surviving chicks.. but boy are they healthy little critters..
- They are either blue or splash. I have a game hen that I bought at the auction - my inexperience at the time not realizing she was a game hen.. I just thought she was pretty
is sitting on eggs as is my lone Birchen Maran. The game hen (Prissy) might be small.. and is usually bullied off the nest..but add in broody..and she is a spitfire! Both of them are due to hatch the first weekend in March. I also noticed a Buff Orpington that was starting to sound and act like she is next in line. Last year I had four at once.. taking all four of the top nests.. so we built more boxes to accommodate..
that I don't have 8 at once now..

Coach.. I now buy my feed at the auction feed store.. food is from a local "mill" that - for the auction - bags it in nylon bags with the nutrient list on a tag instead of the printed bag.. I am saving $4.50-$5.00 per bag buying it there. That sure does help with the cost.. only problem is I HAVE to go to the auction every week...

Deb.. you never slow down. It amazes me that you are up at 2-3am posting.. when do you sleep? I am a morning person and can get up at 4:30 easily but come 10-11:00.. I have to head to bed unless I want to sleep in my chair.. add in a day of real physical labor outside.. and I might just need a nap. I do think that I am alot older than you.. so I am going to use that as my

Gotta pack up three boxes of eggs and head into town this afternoon. After that, I HAVE to get some work done on cleaning out junk/boxes of stashed stuff from our bedroom. When Mama passed away last year, and we moved alot of her stuff here..I cleaned out to make room..most of that stuff is in boxes or just stuffed here or there. Our bedroom is quite big once it is clean and organized..that was my goal for this school break -- it is Wednesday and I haven't started..

DH and I want to eventually get a few goats..but the more I hear about them getting out and all.. hummm might have to rethink.

Take care everyone..
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