Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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Now that Jack is gone, and most of the girls have kids they are behaving better. But I still plan to get rid of the wildest ones and the worst fence stompers. The good thing is even when they run away they don't go far. Mostly they show up at the house looking for me:)You can't beat a goat for pasture cleaning.
Ok Shelly, were you born before or after 1956? It was a great year and they had awesome cars! I sleep from the time I hit the bed until whenever I get up. NOT a morning person. I can also sleep any where, any time I shut my eyes. When I get too tired, I go to sleep. I do ok for a grandma.
Now that Jack is gone, and most of the girls have kids they are behaving better. But I still plan to get rid of the wildest ones and the worst fence stompers. The good thing is even when they run away they don't go far. Mostly they show up at the house looking for me:)You can't beat a goat for pasture cleaning.
Ok Shelly, were you born before or after 1956? It was a great year and they had awesome cars! I sleep from the time I hit the bed until whenever I get up. NOT a morning person. I can also sleep any where, any time I shut my eyes. When I get too tired, I go to sleep. I do ok for a grandma.
I am 52 and proud... just turned as my birthday was Feb. 12th...
Their is a saying, A woman that will tell you her age will tell you anything
On April 1, i'll be 55 and mywife is a year and a half younger than me.
Deb (or should I say Mom
That was the year my mom was born. That was a good year. Mom is 55, Dad is 58. Me, 34 but the students ask if I'm in my 40's. Nope, not that much experience.
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Their is a saying, A woman that will tell you her age will tell you anything
On April 1, i'll be 55 and mywife is a year and a half younger than me.

Funny Coach... actually my oldest child will be 33 this year.. so I better be 52.. So far, I don't feel old.. of course shedding some extra pounds is always something I need to do.. but overall-- I am happy with me
I am 52 and proud... just turned as my birthday was Feb. 12th...

Ok, so I am older than you are. Sorry I missed your birthday, happy belated! My son John just had a birthday on the 18th, he was born in 1988 In Canada. Eh? I went to college there and met my DH. We moved to Florida in 1992. So the kids don't remember much of Canada. We had three acres on the ocean, with a view that went on all day. Seals on the beach in the winter, and we used to see Bald Eagles fly over. We never needed a/c because there was always a breeze, either onshore or off. But it was blasted cold and snowy in the winter. One day I worked two hours clearing the driveway and then when i hit the road to turn we went straight across the icy road and into the ditch! I checked my son, got out of the truck and marched up the hill to the house. I called DH and said, we are moving to Florida. and he said OK! We sold our businesses, all our furniture and our house, packed the van and the car, put one kid in each, and drove to Florida just ahead of the "storm of the century".
Hey Coach, I didn't tell my age, you had to figure it out! I merely said what year I was born. The only thing I regret is how I feel each morning when I get up. Wish I had the energy I had when I was 30. Jim, you can call me Mom if you want. I can tell you are a young guy because you are telling people you are older than you are instead of younger. I can use all the sons I can get, especially if they will help with the chores.
All of my friends are in their 70ths, so i'm the kid in the bunch. Today i spent all day with my tractor cleaning up around the farm. You know tons of pallets, rotten wood,one falling down pen,feeders that the goats tore up,you know JUNK. Boy, it was spring clean up today.It was 68 and the frogs where peeping,the dog and the emu where running along with me on the tractor.
I went shopping today, mailed one box of eggs. Bought some chicken feed, waterers, a portable fan from Goodwill. Hope to get the new run built tomorrow , and if I am lucky, convert the dog house into a coop. Some people are supposed to come look at chickens. This weekend is the chicken auction again. Hoping the prices will be good, as I plan on selling a bunch of chickens. Feed bills are too high, so time to thin the flock.;-)
I went shopping today, mailed one box of eggs. Bought some chicken feed, waterers, a portable fan from Goodwill. Hope to get the new run built tomorrow , and if I am lucky, convert the dog house into a coop. Some people are supposed to come look at chickens. This weekend is the chicken auction again. Hoping the prices will be good, as I plan on selling a bunch of chickens. Feed bills are too high, so time to thin the flock.;-)

Thank you for the birthday wishes.. I think the older we get..the more like "just any other day" our birthday becomes. I mailed out three boxes of eggs and went to the grocery store AGAIN -- twice in two days.. forgot lunch meat the first time arrggg.

I cleaned out one of the incubators since it seems that all that were going to hatch did..and of course I had plenty of eggs to go back in it. I got started cleaning the brooders - got two of the four done..well five counting the aquarium with the newbies in it. Ended up with one more coronation.. so Coronation Sussex chick count is I believe my next group to hatch out is on the 29th.. and there are several CSussex in that group. I am hoping to get to order my cabinet incubator in the next few weeks.. can't make up my mind between Brinsea cabinet (I love my Brinsea) and a Sportsman.. There are pros/cons to each. I will sell my smaller incubators.. keeping just one of them plus the little 7 egg one for school.

I have had several calls from people wanting chickens so I have one guy that is buying two dozen eggs and 4 hens.. wants a rooster thrown in for free (not a problem..
since you don't care what kind of rooster) -- his bill is over $100..then I have another lady that contacted me on BYC out of the blue.. newbie that lives not too far from me that wants some laying hens... so Sunday hopefully will be a money making day for me. I am a little suprised that the "chick market" isn't gearing up here with all the mild temperatures...but not an issue as I figure if I have some laying hens this time next year.. the more the merrier.. laying hens have been bringing a small fortune at the sale in Jan/Feb - $25-$30 per head.. as opposed to $5.00 during this past summer. I have probably three roosters that will be making the journey with me to the sale this weekend.. I have too many and the poor hens are being run to death. I am also going to sell an extra Coronation Rooster.. I have three and one has decided to bully/fight the other two..
..but will be listing him on Craigslist as they auction is not the forum to sell and expensive chicken. We shall see

Well off to find another cup of coffee..

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