Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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Back on line again--I was like grumpy bear not able to log on to BYC for 3 days. I missed everyone.

Lot to catch up on . . .

I'm not sure if I feel old or feel young! I'm 50 with 2 young boys, 8 & 9. My birthday is Dec 25 ( belated happy birthday Chick) ANd coach, HOnestly, age grants us permission to be proud of our age and free to speak our minds. I know I've earned it. LOL

Shelly, happy birthday to you, belatedly.

THe years and the birthdays do just roll by now. My 50th was a simple celebration. A cake and a super sized roasting pan for the supersized turkeys I raised last summer. 35#er's don't fit in a traditional roasting pan ! DH definitely bought the best present ever. ANd the cheesecake the yummiest cake ever.

Waiting, still for the last ewe of this group to lamb. She is slowing down noticeably. I'm burning the midnight oil so I can do the midnight check. DH will do the 5 am check. She is very wide. twins for sure. THe boys ask if she'll have triplets, or quads. Checked a couple other ewes this morning. I think my old lady is pregnant afterall. SHe's 10 and had many twins. I hope to keep her girls this year. SHe had mastitis years ago, so her lambs need a suupplelemtal bottle but it is so worth it. ANd my boy can take over the job when the lambs are good at it. TIme to go check.

Glad to catch up on everyone's going on's. Hope to see the hatching egg sales increase!
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What a crazy day! I had two people show up to buy chickens, one to buy eggs, two goats kidded, and I messed up my back worse. The goat barn needs cleaning, so I decided to clean out one stall . By the time I cleaned it out, Nivea was pushing! She is such a sweet girl but not terribly bright. She had a kid once before, but I decided to hang around and help. Good thing, because she was pushing hard, but not getting far. I broke the sack around the baby, fished out the feet and gave gentle traction. It was a tight fit, but she pushed him out. She didn't show much interest in cleaning him, so I got busy and did it. I figured it would be a while before the next one, so I hung up a hay rack. By the time I did that, she had pushed the next one part way out. I helped her, and also cleaned him up. She had one black and tan and one chocolate brown , both boys:p I was.busy feeding, and I noticed Sasha out by the hay bale, pushing! She is an experienced ma and good at her job, so I just kept an eye on her. She delivered a single doeling, then I move her into the barn. I can't believe my biggest goat is only having one baby! But I just checked her again, and she is not pushing, though she still looks huge. Cleaning that stall did in my back, I think I herniated another disc. I took a hot soak and late applied heat packs , plus took some medication.Still hurts,but a bit better.
So I never got my run built, but I did manage to paint that feeder I built the other day. Tomorrow I need to buy more feed and get chickens picked out to sell this Saturday . Must go feed Slim
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Hope you get your back pain under control. So very difficult to get chores done when the back is a pain. Good to hear the kidding went well. I guess that's why we keep an eye on the girls, for the one's who need assistance.

I've decided to stay up until 2, as the midnight check had the ewe on her feet when I expected her to be laying down. She doesn't look ready--the hollow in front of her hip is not depressed yet.

Getting time to move all the lambs out of their jugs and to the next barn.
Man sorry to hear about your back.Good thing you where in the barn! Silly goats.By the way ,my son but ice packs on his back when he had a bulged disk.I took some hatching eggs to a friend,we are hatching on shares.He gave me another buff cochin hen.That makes 5 hens 2 roos.I thought that they where not laying but i found14 eggs hiding in the corner of the small house that they go in. Don't over do it ,let your back get better.
oohh sorry to hear that your back is giving you trouble.. I have apparently slept wrong the last couple of days.. or done too much during the waking hours as I get up with back and neck issues.. luckily they work themselves out as I get busy in the morning. Sending you healing hugs

How many chickens/eggs did you sell Deb? I am going to have to take some extra roosters to the sale as they are running the hens ragged.. I do plan to pick up a few layers.. so maybe it will even out. I have an extra Coronation Sussex rooster that has now started to bully the other two I decided to sell a pair.. making a deal with another Georgia crazy chicken person to trade some $$ and a pair of Lemon Cuckoo Oprington chicks.. I am excited. We will do the hand off probably the middle/late March once she can sex the chicks. I ordered a dozen hatching eggs from the same farm she got her chicks from.. so hopefully late summer will see some new exotic layers for me. He got his stock imported from "over the ocean" and will have LF Chocolate Orpingtons late 2012/2013.. I am excited for the possibilities!

We are suppose to get some severe storms early this morning so I need to get out and move free range flock feeders inside and check on my THREE broody mamas

Thanks for all the belated birthday wishes.. we need to start a calendar : )

Today was sunny but cool and quite windy. I spent a lot of time with a heat pack on, and my back was feeling better until I had to unload the feed from the truck. Of course, almost every thing I do around here involves bending over. My neighbor came over and helped me catch chickens for the sale, so I have a bunch in cages already. Decided to sell the three silkies from the red pen, which frees up that pen for my youngsters. I am selling the older flock of black australorps,but will keep the rooster as he is easier on the hens than the young one. So once I move the young hens into that coop, my chicken tractor will be empty. Also selling my pair of Lavender Orps, she is getting older and I have hatched quite a lot of chicks . So that will empty out that coop. I sure hope it will be a good sale tomorrow .
I did ship one box of eggs today, when I went to town to get feed. I listed a new auction on bsa as well today.
My wife and i went out to dinner and a move with some friends.We saw war horse and it was a good movie.Hot what is bsa?
BSA is the buy sell auction at the bottom of the index page. Maybe if they put it at the top, more people would find it:-D That movie sounds interesting. Deb
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