Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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Possibly, but it could also be a family of raccoons. My friend had over twenty adult chickens killed in one night by coons. Sorry for your loss. I have been losing one hen at a time when my birds have been free ranging. During the day, so u would not think fox but then we started seeing the foxes during the day. Makes me mad, because there are loads of mice and squirrels around here. But with a family to feed, I guess that is why. Doesn't make me feel any better about dead hens:-(
I guess it could have been coons but I didn't think they'd carry 38 bodies off somewhere else. And the dead ones I found by the coop were all intact, just dead. What a bummer...All that time incubating, keeping in the garage with heat lamps, feeding....AGH!
I know, we had a problem with neighbors dogs for a year before we found out which dogs were responsible. They always took POL pullets, and many of them were just killed for the fun of it. Makes you sick.
Did some more pasture work today, got the fire going again in the same spot. I was going to go to the post office but ran out of time so I will ship tomorrow. Going to Jackson again to do some shopping.
I sold another doeling today! I only have two left to sell unless I decide to keep two instead of one. Lots of bucklings, will have to run an ad on them.Also sold a bunch of new hatch and started chicks.:) Might have to go to the doctor tomorrow , I am sure I have a sinus infection again , and the drainage is making me nauseated.:p Have to go buy feed anyway. Weather has been wonderful. I spread 10 bags of gravel near the well today,looks great. Also cleaning up a bit and boiling extra eggs to feed the chicks treats, they love it. I am excited Pauletta is coming to visit and we are swapping chickens. Now I just need to figure out where to put them:-D
Sounds like your selling good.I have sold a lot this week too.I sold 5 baby geese at 45 each, i had 9 but a owl killed 4 the night before so i guess i have to keep them penned up with mommy goose from now on.Also sold a bunch of 8 week old chicks,some used sheet metal and a bunch of hatching eggs.I'm going to the feed store twice a week now. Next week to get the 1200 lb box's of feed, i'ts half price of baged feed but with gas prices i'll get 2 box's or 3,
hey Coach! Sorry about the loss of your birds! That always hurts . How do you move big boxes of feed like that? I know I need to buy more feed today,uh so expensive. I heard of a place in Selmer that is cheaper , I may try them. I have way too many chicks in the garage, need to move them somewhere...
See you tomorrow Deb! Should be awesome weather for a road trip :) Can't wait!
I sold another doeling today! I only have two left to sell unless I decide to keep two instead of one. Lots of bucklings, will have to run an ad on them.Also sold a bunch of new hatch and started chicks.:) Might have to go to the doctor tomorrow , I am sure I have a sinus infection again , and the drainage is making me nauseated.:p Have to go buy feed anyway. Weather has been wonderful. I spread 10 bags of gravel near the well today,looks great. Also cleaning up a bit and boiling extra eggs to feed the chicks treats, they love it. I am excited Pauletta is coming to visit and we are swapping chickens. Now I just need to figure out where to put them:-D
The first batch of guineas are hatching! Very cute and several have lots of white on them. I bought feed and when I got home discovered they gave me sweet feed rather than laying pellets, so I have to drive all the way back there to trade it in. So anything I saved buying there, I wasted on gas.
it rained all afternoon and evening, so I am backed up on chores. Hopefully the sun will shine tomorrow .at least maybe my corn will germinate now:)
Now the quail are hatching and a bunch of swap eggs! I built the frame for another brooder today. Tomorrow I hope to paint it and apply the mesh bottom. I also cleaned out the empty coop in Chicken City, and put the FBCM in it. Maybe they will be inspired to lay. Also moved the few chickens left in the back room of the barn out of there. I really would like to clean out the whole barn, one pen at a time I can get it done. The baby goats are really growing up....I will try to post a pic of the boys...
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I am still trying to talk my hubbie into a goat! But he is not budging. LOL That is an awesome picture of those cuties!
Now the quail are hatching and a bunch of swap eggs! I built the frame for another brooder today. Tomorrow I hope to paint it and apply the mesh bottom. I also cleaned out the empty coop in Chicken City, and put the FBCM in it. Maybe they will be inspired to lay. Also moved the few chickens left in the back room of the barn out of there. I really would like to clean out the whole barn, one pen at a time I can get it done. The baby goats are really growing up....I will try to post a pic of the boys...
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