Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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So sorry about your sweet Bear.
Big hugs for ya Shellga!
I totally understand. It's never easy but your dog's comfort and quality of life is all that matters in the long run. I went through the same thing just last week. My heart goes out to you.
Spent most of the night at the emergency vet clinic with our boy dogchild (Bear) who was having seizures. He was 11 years old. We ended up having to make that tough decision after the vet determined he had a brain tumor and kept having back to back seizures.. I am terribly sad.. only animal lovers can truly understand. Love my BYC family.. needed to share.

After living on the ranch for 16 years, we decided we better have the land surveyed since we never thought the fence lines were on the property lines. We only have up the 17 year by Colorado law to dispute.

We got the results today and what a shock. Our north fence is 288 feet off and run almost the entire north of the property. It starts on the property line on the north west corner and increases in width to appear like a wedge at 288 feet in the north east corner. The south fence is 30 feet off in our favor. The east fence is close but off in the far north corner 23 feet to our neighbors favor. The west fence is almost perfect and this is only because my husband already moved that fence 60 feet west 3 or 4 years when the fence was falling down. Our neighbor on that side kept telling us the original fence was not right and needed to be moved 20 more feet on our side so 80 feet on our side from where the fence is currently. Well, I guess that fence stays right where it is.

The surveyor said he didn't even know how my husband got that fence right on the west property line since it took him forever the find the southwest surveyor pen which he finally found it on the south side of the road. When the county put in the road years and years ago they took 60 plus feet of our 1/4 section instead of the 30 feet they had in the easement rights. There is nothing we can do about the road now so we just have to live with the 3 some acres the county took.

Anyway the 288 feet is almost the length of a football field and certainly many football fields wide. The entire portion that we have been not able to graze is 10 or more acres on the north side and another 2-3 acres on the south side. Our neighbor that owns the east, north, & south adjoining property has already agreed to move the fences to the correct property lines after viewing the survey results and the west side is already where is needs to be.

I think we should have done this many years ago. Goodness, we have more land for more ???? Moral of the story if you think your fences don't match your property line then it might be a good ideal to have the property surveyed.
Hot2Pot, I hope I can m ake it to one of those sales with you some day. They sound great!  Hope you get to feeling better :hugs
The sale was poorly attended and prices were down. Lots and lots of roosters including game birds. I came home with more chickens than I took because I refuse to sell birds for 2 or $3 . Then I bought a flock of Polish because I felt sorry for them. Of course they were not as cheap. DH wanted to know why they looked so beat up. The hens are all missing feathers on their backs, and had clods of poo stuck to their toes.:p White crested blacks, 10 hens and a rooster. A lady came up to me after the sale and wanted some so I sold her four. When I got home, I cleaned out the old RIR coop and sanded the run . Those poor chickens had no idea what to do with the grass I threw in there.
I am afraid the sales will be even worse this summer. At least goats are bringing a decent price. I bought 5 goose eggs for $2., and my neighbor bough young RIR for $3 each. She got lucky and sold her hens for $11 each and $7 for the rooster. We got the early, later in the sale they were selling for as ltte as $7 each.
The foxes continue to vex us. DH has been looking for them, and found three dens. So the war continues .
WOW! Must be nice to "loose" 13 acres and NEVER realize it!! yikes...I just WISH I HAD 13 acres!! I would have MANY more chickens...and we have 250+ NOW!
After living on the ranch for 16 years, we decided we better have the land surveyed since we never thought the fence lines were on the property lines. We only have up the 17 year by Colorado law to dispute.

We got the results today and what a shock. Our north fence is 288 feet off and run almost the entire north of the property. It starts on the property line on the north west corner and increases in width to appear like a wedge at 288 feet in the north east corner. The south fence is 30 feet off in our favor. The east fence is close but off in the far north corner 23 feet to our neighbors favor. The west fence is almost perfect and this is only because my husband already moved that fence 60 feet west 3 or 4 years when the fence was falling down. Our neighbor on that side kept telling us the original fence was not right and needed to be moved 20 more feet on our side so 80 feet on our side from where the fence is currently. Well, I guess that fence stays right where it is.

The surveyor said he didn't even know how my husband got that fence right on the west property line since it took him forever the find the southwest surveyor pen which he finally found it on the south side of the road. When the county put in the road years and years ago they took 60 plus feet of our 1/4 section instead of the 30 feet they had in the easement rights. There is nothing we can do about the road now so we just have to live with the 3 some acres the county took.

Anyway the 288 feet is almost the length of a football field and certainly many football fields wide. The entire portion that we have been not able to graze is 10 or more acres on the north side and another 2-3 acres on the south side. Our neighbor that owns the east, north, & south adjoining property has already agreed to move the fences to the correct property lines after viewing the survey results and the west side is already where is needs to be.

I think we should have done this many years ago. Goodness, we have more land for more ???? Moral of the story if you think your fences don't match your property line then it might be a good ideal to have the property surveyed.
WOW! Must be nice to "loose" 13 acres and NEVER realize it!! yikes...I just WISH I HAD 13 acres!! I would have MANY more chickens...and we have 250+ NOW!

We have questioned the neighbor in the past but he has always said that the fence lines are pretty close. Well, I guess that depends on who is getting the benefit which has been him all these years. He is not fighting any of this and agreed to pay for half the cost of the survey. The funny thing is we always questioned the south line as it just didn't make sense why there would be a little piece of ground between our property and the road. Now, we know why. It seems that instead of the county running the road on the easement between the properties like they should have that they took 60 feet of our property and then curved the road upward just past our driveway and took 60 feet of the south adjoining property. It basically cut off a small portion of that property between the road and our property. The stinker of the whole thing is that the neighbor took the entire cut off portion but more than half of it belongs to us. We measured yesterday and instead of 30 feet it is a little over 60 wide ( remember the 60 feet for the road) and 1/8 mile long. It is a pretty good portion of ground. If I was looking it as city lots then I would say enough room for 4 to 5 lots. We could put an entire sub-division on the property that we are getting back on the north side.

My husband set the corner post of the north side yesterday and is starting to set the t-posts today. He said he is tired of someone else getting benefit of the property. It appears now that it is closer to 15 acres so you are right. YIKES!!!

Deb, I went to the auction here today. Prices on most birds were way down. Hens $3-$4, roosters $1-$3, chicks $1-$1.75. I did get lucky and sell four 4-6 week old mixed ducks for $10 each. I guess it was just because two or more people wanted them . I have never been able to figure out auctions.
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