Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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A question for my chicken peeps.. The middle of last week I had some silver sebright eggs that I needed to sell and get in the mail quickly due to my schedule.. well I sold one dozen here.. and another on FBook. I am having a bit of a problem with the person on FBook.. a kid it seems. Being that he could not pay with paypal -- I went ahead and mailed them and he was suppose to mail out the money order. Right after I got BACK from the PO -- he messages saying he thought they were chicks ( WHY would I sell 12 silver sebright chicks plus shipping for $20 I ask you!!!) and his dad said not to buy them.. well that was my first indication I was dealing with a kid. He said he would still mail the money..

and yes.. my normal business practice is not the mail before payment but seemed up and up..I am too trusting..and I had scheduling conflict for mailing..

SO.. he tells me now that 9 of the 12 eggs were broken - I asked for a picture and still haven't gotten it.. nor have I gotten the money order (in state mailing by the way) AND he wants to know when I am going to send replacements for the broken eggs.

What would you do?

I agree with doubletraining. If you send more eggs you will be out more in postage and I doubt you will get paid. You put the ball back in their court anyway and asked for pictures of the damaged eggs and shipping box and I don't think you will get pictures either.
I learned to shoot with a shotgun, am loving it so far. Borrowed it from my neighbor. I wonder how many guns there are in TN. Saw the bleeping fox in the back yard when the power was out for about 4 hours tonight. But it was running too fast to deal with it. Have been pulling weeds and fertilizing the garden. Picking beans already, had some rain and high winds.
Shelly, sorry you got stiffed , that sucks. Thanks for the Bator, I love it! Hoping to ship some eggs tomorrow .
Hi Hot,i've been to busy to wright. Glad to see you got a shotgun for the foxes.We have some foxs that live about 2 miles from my house and i hope they stay there.
Hey Coach, how are the coops coming? DH has bursitis in his hip, and had an MRI done of his back. I am having some drug reaction but not sure which one is the problem. Tomorrow is the swap& sale at R&J, so I plan to go.
Shelly you have a box coming 0312 0090 0000 9950 0585. Let me know how they do. Got my quail eggs today, look good thanks swapper:)
Sale at R&J was a bust, not enough advertising or signs so no one knew we were there. This weekend is the sale at Scotts Hill and Pauletta is coming so maybe I will sell a bunch. I can't afford to feed them when I am not selling hatching eggs.
DH has three bulging discs. He is going to a chiropractor . I called earlier in the week for an appointment with the doctor so I have an appointment Friday. I am betting I have bursitis or a bad joint in my right hip, and I know I have bad discs as well. I moved one sack of feed yesterday and it was very painful in my hip . On the plus side, I am getting a lot of quilting done.
At least I am selling all the chicks that are hatching. I was afraid none would hatch after power was out for over 4 hours due to that last storm, but so far I still have lots hatching:)
Oh man, the sale at Scotts Hill had prices so low, I brought back most of the birds I took. At least I sold a few, but not worth the time and effort. Today my neighbors were trying to catch a feral cat, and they caught a fox and released it! Argh!!!
I bought three young guinea hogs today to help seal the pond. Not cute, but they should make some good bacon and pork chops later. I can't believe DH said ok.
Feeling a little better after seeing the doc, but I seem to get a headache every time I take another Cipro pill. Will be glad when they are done. Need to build a pig pen and shelter, getting up early before it gets too hot.
They get in there and stomp and pack , wallow and poop. Water buffalos would be even better, but these pigs only get to be 200 pounds so they will be easier to handle;-)
The pond was about 2/3 full but evaporation and seepage plus no rain equals almost empty. I have to train the pigs to come to me so I can put them up at night due to coyotes. They are quite small yet so I am keeping them penned for now. I feed them from a dish in my hand and sit on a crate. Then I slowly pet and rub them while they eat. They were quite terrified at first , but they are getting better . They are a lot different than chickens and goats. They have not found anything so far they refuse to eat:-D
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