Ooh la la - Tweedy from France!

Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
Sounds like a reasonable plan. When I free ranged my flock they had a few close calls with cars so I can certainly see why you are concerned with Tweedy getting hit if you continue to let her wander about. Good luck making an official flock out of your lone chicken.
Welcome to byc! We're so glad that you joined us!
Wow, I'm overwhelmed at the big welcome here. Thank you everyone. Just FYI, the chicken in my avatar is Tweedy - waiting at the door. There's a white chicken you can just barely see behind her - that's the one that went missing last weekend, leaving Tweedy on her own.

What's worrying me now is that I don't see any sort of provision for feeding either the chicken or the cat over in the yard across the street - and this morning, their cat was in our haystack, eagerly awaiting breakfast. Tweedy came over, hoping to nose out the cat for the leftover catfood (there wasn't much this morning) - so I wound up taking both dishes in to fill up the chicken feed dispenser and put some fresh catfood into the cat dish. Tossed a few sunflower seeds on the ground to lure Tweedy away from the cat dish.

I really don't understand people who don't/won't take care of their animals.

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