"Oops" the deformed turkey (photos may be disturbing to some)

I have a **** with a sideways upper beak and tongue out. My **** is very happy and now 6 months old. She eats snd drinks fine and has a great quality of like. Why would u put down an animal that is able to survive just because of how it looks?
Remember..... Most deformities are caused because the temps were too high when the egg was incubating and does not carry to the next generation
I know that I am coming to this late, but I really hope that you didn't cull it. I have a Buff Orpington who has a crossed beak, she is brooding right now, and she has been the BEST mother that I have ever seen. She does have a little problem picking up the food or trying to make it smaller, but she tries with all her might and protects those babies with all her heart.

I am so very happy that we kept her as she is wonderful. She is very sweet and makes us all smile!
the other day i accidently came accross this thread and was going to ask just as you, but thought i'd let you know what i took notice if you didnt bother to check.this person hasnt posted any comments since then in this name anyhow. I suppose there is a possibility for some reason or another they took up a new identity on here. But hope that is the case cause I also was hoping did not cull.

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