Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Sheila, I LOVE that puppy pic!

Its storming here and I shouldnt be on the computer.Sigh. Soooo goodnight all. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Better late than never - pics of our day at the beach and my walk in the woods



A view of the town: It has a rich history: Robert the Bruce's wifes organs were buried in the church there, he paid the town a yearly sum of money as a thanks for keeping them safe and for their return. The government still pays the town a fee each year to this day.


Splashing in the waves


Going for a paddle


Building sandcastles


Forest walk:




Sheila, that pic is just adorable. What a sweetie!

Cayce, glad your duckies foot is better

Sam, hope you and Granny are feeling better today.


I'm staying indoors today to escape the volcanic ash! Have a good day all!
Good morning all. I needed to get motivated this morning and try to get a little more accomplished than I did yesterday. I feel reasonably well until a coughing spell hits and it feels like a lung is going to be coughed up. I'm sure glad it doesn't appear to affecting Granny quite as bad. This morning a heard Hope sneezing, I fear she may be next.

Today the temperature is supposed to be over 80, about 20 degrees over normal. While I appreciate the warm weather I'd much rather have normal temperatures. I need to edge the sidewalk and driveway and cut the grass. The lawn has quickly gone from brown to green and unfortunately the weeds are growing at a much faster rate. Occasionally there are days that living in a condo project sounds appealing. No maintenance does sound appealing until you think about how much you must actually give up. I don't think I could handle living were a committee tells you what you can and can't have, even what you can park in your driveway. I'd bet most wouldn't even allow you to have 3 or 4 hens.

Thistle, I'm glad you had a good time at the beach and the pictures of your walk looks like you have a great locale for walking. I know being able to walk in solitude would certainly allow me to unwind and find solace. It does sound like something is always falling on Scotland. Lots of rain, snow, and now volcanic ash. It seems that you just can't get a break.
What's the difference between a forest and a woods? Sure sounds a lot more high falootin' to walk in the forest. I wonder if my woods walkin' wardrobe would suffice or would I need to go buy a bunch forest finery? Can you wear boots or do you need to purchase forest footwear?

Lots of thunderstorms here last night but woke up to everything smelling fresh after the rain.
I even got motivated early and cleaned the brooders out,lol.

Forest? Woods?
We always call it woods....
Early this evening someone is bringing over a dog kennel for me, a couple of igloo doghouses, a canopy for the kennel and a small building they had used to put the dog houses in....I am hoping to be able, with some work of course, to incorporate this for my birds.
Getting a couple more doghouses next week, one is so big that I am sure I will be able to put nestboxes in it. Or something,lol.
All craigslist finds for free.
Hope everyone is having a great day so far.
I've thought long and hard about your question Sam. I've pondered and cogitated. I've mused and deduced. I've ruminated and I've theorised. And I can only come to one conclusion;

Our woods are posher than your woods! Nah nah nah-nah nah!

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