Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Move over Sheila, I need a place to hide in the piney woods....

OK, but if she comes after me with her whackin' stick, you're on your own!

Oooohhhh, Sally and Highlander got in trouble!
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Oh my, you guys are great! I am having a good laugh.

I had a king snake and a corn snake too. The cat would sit on the King snakes tank to look out the window of the basement and bask under the heat lamp. Well she is a little over weight and over time broke the mess on the top of the snake tank. I didn't realise that Queen (named because i wasn't sure if the king snake was a boy or girl plus after the rock group) got out last fall. I'm hoping to find Queen soon.

The Corn snake somehow got the clip undone and also got out. I have found her before but not this time. I'm still looking for her too, Annie (neighbor kid named her). She got out in the winter.

We have a lot of crap in basement. My oldest son died almost a year ago at 24 yo. All his stuff is there. I haven't been able to go through anything. I know the snakes are down there somewhere. I just hope the cats don't find them first!
Went out after supper and finished on the the composters I building. This one is for David and hopefully I will finish the two for me tomorrow. They are a tumbler style built using a black 55 gallon barrel. Hopefully having two will make composting all the chicken manure much easier.

I used to work with a feller who had a 12' long boa constrictor. I liked bringing it into the fire station and coming up behind someone and draping it over some unsuspecting persons neck. I told him the first thing I would do if he ever put it on me would be to kill the snake and the method of extermination I would use would be to beat him to death with the snake.

Once time a woman pulled into the fire station while laying on her horn. Her car had barely come to a stop and she bails out screaming "snake, snake". Seems she was driving down the road and was suddenly confronted by a large snake trying to crawl up into her lap. She was wearing a skirt and didn't become aware of the snake until she felt something touch her inner thigh. She was screaming hysterically and I'm surprised she was even able to drive her vehicle. We found some kind of constrictor hiding up inside her dash. The ugly thing was close to 10' long.
I convince myself to follow the advice in your signature line.
When I was your age I was very self conscience about my looks, athletic ability or lack there of,etc and the list just went on and on. A few years later I discovered that I had been worrying for nothing. I found that the ladies viewed me much more favorably than I viewed myself and that those that had given me a hard time were just idiots and trying to hide their own uncertainties by giving me a hard time. Jump forward a few years. I had spent a few years in the Army. Became a drill sergeant and was not afraid of anything. I became a fireman and rose to become a captain and station commander where peoples lives depended upon me being confident in my abilities and able to make split second decisions. On many occasions at a fire or rescue scene I would run into those who had made my early teens miserable. Now they are looking to me to help them out of their dilemma. What had changed. Basically nothing other than I became confident in myself. Don't worry little princess. Believe in yourself, forget what others say, you will come into your own. It just takes time and there is no way to rush it.
Awwwww, man!!!! Ranchie and HIghlander, I wish I had been online when you two were at it. That looked like too much fun!

Ranchie, love the pictures. Sheila, your pup pic is just adorable!

Hey, I have great news-the 'bumblefoot' turned out to be just a large thorn that had imbedded deeply into her foot. DH helped me with surgery attempt #2 tonight. As I had posted before, I kind of freaked out as soon as she started bleeding, so I just medicated her foot and wrapped it up and then put her into a clean stall with some ducklings. I really didn't want to administer antibiotic (the chance of antibiotic residue being in my eggs just grosses me out). So I asked hubby to grab a new scalpel and start scraping. We put her in the tub with about an inch of warm water with lots of sea salt in it. She soaked for 20 minutes, then I wrapped her up in a towel. I held her while hubby went to work. What I had thought was a bumblefoot scab turned out to be a very thick head of a thorn. DH got it out with a pair of tweezers, intact. It was freakin' huge! Poor little girl. So we put more 3-way oinment on her foot and wrapped it in clean vet tape, and put her back in the stall with the babies. I'll keep her in there for a few more days, until I know it's fully healed.

I feel so much better. I've been totally stressing about what it was that I did wrong for my bird to get bumblefoot. Now I know I didn't do anything wrong... well, except get squeamish when she started to bleed. Hopefully, next time I see one of my girls bleeding I won't burst into tears.

Sam, you tell Granny that I said to drink a hot toddy or something. That'll cure it.

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