Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Fatboy, I hear what you're saying about the 20 year old wages. I'm bidding jobs at the same rate as 20 years ago and still getting under bid. Sure makes it hard to make a living.

Luna, you do stay in our hearts and prayers. I don't know if it helps but it can't hurt.

Maple, glad to read you're taking your kids to the library. My oldest son constantly tells people that the best thing I ever got for him was a library card because it opened so many worlds to him.

Ranchie, I'm glad you were able to interpret what my darlin' daughter had written to Fatboy.
Hi everyone,
sorry i havnt been on for a while been clearing out my great uncles 3 bed house its amazing the things people keep he had 38 years worth of bills every single electric, water and gas bill they had ever received but also some really old photographs the family sat down to look at them together must have been 6-7 generations worth of pictures was really intresting to see my Dads great great great granddad others like that his great great great granddad was 91 and playing on a scooter and that was quite unheard of for back then for people to get too there 90's and now its common for people to live past 100.

so how is everyone? cant wait for Highlander to come on have sent her a pm to tell her to get her bator on ready for the chocolateXblack orp eggs im going to be sending her

Natalie - Wow, what a treasure trove you found with those photos! Amazing what stuff people save over the years, but the photos are priceless. Good find.

Highlander - you lucky duck.
Today I went to one of the jobs we've got going and found that a tree trimming company was there working and had equipment set up where I needed to be so I pull off until tomorrow. When I came back to the shop I decided to clean the inside of my truck and wash the windows. David is headed for southwest Missouri on Friday to visit his mother and two brothers and I'm having him take my truck since it' new and gets twice the mileage as his. I had just finished when a guy comes up the driveway asking how much further was it to town. Seems he had a flat out on the expressway and his spare was flat as well. He had already walked a mile and it would be another two miles to the closest tire repair. Rather the see him walk any further I took him to get his tire, then to the tire store, and then out to his truck. He tried to pay but I told him to just pass it on. Sort of makes a feller wonder that maybe the man upstairs knew that guy was going to have a flat so he sent the tree trimmers today instead of next week when they were scheduled.
Thistle my highland flower, I hope all is well on your side of the pond. Today is absolutely beautiful here. Chickens are all out laying in the sun. They should be in the coop laying in the nest boxes. Lazy things. Twenty five hens and only 9 eggs today.

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