Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Okay if I shorten you to CCMH?
I am more commonly known as "ranchy".

Nice to have you here. This is a bit of a slow time here, because the great outdoors is singing the siren song of summer. (Hah! Hey Highlander, say THAT 3 times fast!

I've never made it to the Ozarks, but maybe someday.......

DH made some progress in the garden this afternoon. I have more fresh green beans, a jalapeno, some yellow squash and more blueberries that the cardinals missed. I noticed the wild blackberries are really coming in, but every time I go to pick, the lightning fires up. And I don't do lightning.
Has nothing to do with Granny!
Ranchy, CCMH it is!!! Sounds like your gardens are a bit ahead of ours, beans are just starting to bloom and the cucumbers are just beginning to vine. But we do have peas to put up today and the black raspberries are starting to ripen. Someday I hope to have blueberry bushes, just love blueberries.

It was a little foggy and cooler here this morning, but again supposed to be hot and muggy, chance of showers thing again in the afternoon. Have to cut my momma (91 yo) out some more pieces to sew together for a quilt..trying to keep her busy. Time to go let the chickens out and listen to the hens complaining about the old rooster who's been crowing in their ear since 4:30!! Have a great day!
Morning started out pretty humid. We had a storm come through here last night with rain hard enough to strangle a frog. Wanted to mow this morning but the grass is so wet that I'd be better off with a boat. Hopefully after lunch I can get it done before the predicted thunderstorms arrive.

My garden is just getting started. We are at least a month behind in our planting. The fact that we have longer periods of daylight does help excelerate the growing. I've got to thin the okra this morning and will try to transplant the excess plants. Since our summers don't have that many days above 85 raising okra in Michigan is always a crapshoot. Two years ago it didn't do too bad, but last year a late June frost killed it.
Good evening all! BTW, has anyone taken an AP class? Mom is going to be teaching me AP Biology this fall.
Sprite, I wish I could give you better advice but it has been a long long time since I was in school. In fact your mother probably wasn't even born when I was in school. I do know that advance placement course can be very difficult and very rewarding if you apply yourself. I'm sure you'll do quite well.

Today was I pretty laid back day. The hard rain last night meant that the grass was to wet to cut this morning and by the time it was dry it was so hot and humid that mowing didn't sound as good as a nap. When I woke it was time to go take care of a job for a customer so the lawn will wait until tomorrow. One thing I did manage to accomplish was to put a rack of ribs in the smoker and then let them slow cook all day. I can't think of any way you could cook pig and have it come out any better.
Ok then.
I'm aiming for an AP in Biology, Chemistry, and Math.

Yummy! Wish I could have been there. I love meat!
I came to this site to talk about chickens. Who knew there was a wonderful thread like this one? I would like to sit and join you in a cup of coffee if I may? I like it paint-peeler strong with creamer and sweetner.
It always is a pleasant surprize to log in and discover that someone new has joined us. Of course everyone is always welcome.

We sure had quite a storm roll through here last night. Looks like it was a tough night for lots of folks, heavy rains, high winds, flooding and tragically tornadoes. Sadly, a few people lost their lives and my heart goes out to their families. Situations like that are and should be a constant reminder of how wonderful life is. We need to enjoy and treasure each day we are given.

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